MAST in a Sentence

Learn MAST from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

43 example sentences for MAST, such as:

1. All the flags were at half mast.
2. He also made a mast with a yard arm, and a rudder to steer with.
3. Flags were at half mast everywhere on the day of the president's funeral.
4. We discerned the figure of a man clinging to the mast of the wrecked ship.
5. The candidate nailed his colours to the mast on the question of civil rights.

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 Meanings and Examples of MAST
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  fruit of the oak and beech, or other forest trees; nuts; acorns; a pole, or long, strong, round piece of timber, or spar, set upright in a boat or vessel, to sustain the sails, yards, rigging
Classic Sentence: (38 in 3 pages)
1  They set the mast in its socket in the cross plank, raised it, and made it fast with the forestays; then they hoisted their white sails aloft with ropes of twisted ox hide.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK II
2  He also made a mast with a yard arm, and a rudder to steer with.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK V
3  He let go the helm, and the force of the hurricane was so great that it broke the mast half way up, and both sail and yard went over into the sea.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK V
4  It was so huge that we could only compare it to the mast of a twenty-oared merchant vessel of large burden, and able to venture out into open sea.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK IX
5  '"'You will want no guide,' she answered; 'raise your mast, set your white sails, sit quite still, and the North Wind will blow you there of itself.'
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK X
6  Then I stopped the ears of all my men, and they bound me hands and feet to the mast as I stood upright on the cross piece; but they went on rowing themselves.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XII
7  Jove, however, sent the ship's mast within my reach, which saved my life, for I clung to it, and drifted before the fury of the gale.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XIV
8  They set the mast in its socket in the cross plank, raised it and made it fast with the forestays, and they hoisted their white sails with sheets of twisted ox hide.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XV
9  In the mean time Telemachus and his crew were nearing land, so they loosed the sails, took down the mast, and rowed the ship into the harbour.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XV
10  Sinking below the bird and mast, a drowned corpse glanced through the green water; a fair arm was the only limb clearly visible, whence the bracelet had been washed or torn.
Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIII
11  Your flag must be nailed to the mast, for obviously you'd run it down if it wasn't.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LIII
12  No, when I go to sea, I go as a simple sailor, right before the mast, plumb down into the forecastle, aloft there to the royal mast-head.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 1. Loomings.
13  Aye, he was dismasted off Japan," said the old Gay-Head Indian once; "but like his dismasted craft, he shipped another mast without coming home for it.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 28. Ahab.
14  I am an officer; but, how I wish I could fish a bit of old-fashioned beef in the forecastle, as I used to when I was before the mast.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 34. The Cabin-Table.
15  Being fixed on the summit of the mast, you ascend into it through a little trap-hatch in the bottom.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 35. The Mast-Head.
Example Sentence:
1  The candidate nailed his colours to the mast on the question of civil rights.
2  We discerned the figure of a man clinging to the mast of the wrecked ship.
3  All the flags were at half mast.
4  Flags were at half mast everywhere on the day of the president's funeral.
5  His heroic tug at a flag-decked mast will come back to haunt him in unexpected ways later in the story.