1 They knew that life nowadays was harsh and bare, that they were often hungry and often cold, and that they were usually working when they were not asleep.
2 But if there were hardships to be borne, they were partly offset by the fact that life nowadays had a greater dignity than it had had before.
3 Young folks enjoyed themselves nowadays, not like when she, Ivy Bolton, was young.
4 But they're having to draw their horns in nowadays, now th pits are working so bad, and they haven't got the money.
5 There was only one class nowadays: moneyboys.
6 She never even touched him nowadays, and he never touched her.
7 Yet doctors could do such things nowadays.
8 The old artist always did himself well: he took berths on the Orient Express, in spite of Connie's dislike of trains de luxe, the atmosphere of vulgar depravity there is aboard them nowadays.
9 The far ends of the world are not five minutes from Charing Cross, nowadays.
10 The women talk a lot more than the men, nowadays, and they are a sight more cock-sure.
11 But then they're the maddest for spending, nowadays.
12 They're all one-track minds nowadays.
13 Still I don't know much what feelings are nowadays.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 6: 2 Thomasin Walks in a Green Place by the Roman Road 14 Theresa Wright is her name, and the kind of maid you don't pick up nowadays.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In XII. THE ADVENTURE OF THE ABBEY GRANGE 15 You must owe the City Fathers money nowadays if you want to be made Lord Mayor.