1 In such words he pleaded, clasping the altars; the Lord omnipotent heard, and cast his eye on the royal city and the lovers forgetful of their fairer fame.
2 Then Juno omnipotent, pitying her long pain and difficult decease, sent Iris down from heaven to unloose the struggling life from the body where it clung.
3 At this the Lord omnipotent thrice thundered sharp from high heaven, and with his own hand shook out for a sign in the sky a cloud ablaze with luminous shafts of gold.
4 This Saturn's omnipotent daughter in very presence commanded me to pronounce to thee, as thou wert lying in the still night.
5 So omnipotent is art; which in many a district of New Bedford has superinduced bright terraces of flowers upon the barren refuse rocks thrown aside at creation's final day.
6 But, in general, they toil with their jack-knives alone; and, with that almost omnipotent tool of the sailor, they will turn you out anything you please, in the way of a mariner's fancy.
Moby Dick By Herman MelvilleContext Highlight In CHAPTER 57. Of Whales in Paint; in Teeth; in Wood; in She... 7 I know that of me, which thou knowest not of thyself, oh, thou omnipotent.
8 It moved every feeling of wonder and awe that the picture of an omnipotent God warring with his creatures was capable of exciting.
9 But, Uncle Pumblechook, who was omnipotent in that kitchen, wouldn't hear the word, wouldn't hear of the subject, imperiously waved it all away with his hand, and asked for hot gin and water.
10 It appeared to be omniscient and omnipotent, and yet was neither seen nor heard.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER III. JOHN FERRIER TALKS WITH THE PROPHET 11 Thus exhorted, Cedric sallied forth upon his expedition; and it was not long ere he had occasion to try the force of that spell which his Jester had recommended as omnipotent.
12 Enjolras, the man-principle, had over his co-religionists that sort of omnipotent power which emanates from the absolute.
Les Misérables 5 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 1: CHAPTER IV—MINUS FIVE, PLUS ONE 13 Those are so great, and so strong, in the case of promises, that omnipotency itself can be tied by them.
14 All my speculations and hopes are as nothing, and like the archangel who aspired to omnipotence, I am chained in an eternal hell.
15 To Gopher Prairie the tracks were eternal verities, and boards of railroad directors an omnipotence.