1 Scarlett tiptoed above the crowd and saw the captain of the militia mounting the orchestra platform.
2 There was a long barroom downstairs, elegantly hung with oil paintings, and a negro orchestra played every night.
3 It would be an enormous night reception with palms and an orchestra and all the porches shrouded in canvas, and a collation that made her mouth water in anticipation.
4 Loren Wheeler, editor of the Dauntless, led the orchestra, with a ruler and a totally inaccurate sense of rhythm.
5 The hidden orchestra was lively.
6 Del Snafflin's orchestra of piano, violin, and cornet began to tune up and every one behind the magic line of the proscenic arch was frightened into paralysis.
7 The orchestra kept sawing away at the 'Traviata' music, so joyous and sad, so thin and far-away, so clap-trap and yet so heart-breaking.
8 For they are hardly worthy of Tamoszius, the other two members of the orchestra.
9 The last sob of little Sebastijonas has been stifled, and the orchestra has once more been reminded of its duty.
10 In the front, in the very center, leaning back against the orchestra rail, stood Dolokhov in a Persian dress, his curly hair brushed up into a huge shock.
11 He winked at him gaily, smiled, and rested his foot against the orchestra screen.
12 During the whole of that entr'acte Kuragin stood with Dolokhov in front of the orchestra partition, looking at the Rostovs' box.
13 The cymbals and horns in the orchestra struck up more loudly, and this man with bare legs jumped very high and waved his feet about very rapidly.
14 But suddenly a storm came on, chromatic scales and diminished sevenths were heard in the orchestra, everyone ran off, again dragging one of their number away, and the curtain dropped.
15 hissed the saber against the whetstone, and suddenly Petya heard an harmonious orchestra playing some unknown, sweetly solemn hymn.