1 Melanie and Charles, who were on excellent terms with their uncle, had frequently offered to relieve her of this ordeal, but Pitty always set her babyish mouth firmly and refused.
2 Scarlett breathed more easily knowing that experienced hands were near, but she nevertheless yearned to have the ordeal over and done with.
3 She should go up and sit with Melanie and distract her mind from her coming ordeal but she did not feel equal to it.
4 But inwardly they felt that running an Indian gantlet would be infinitely preferable to suffering the ordeal of Yankee grins and not being able to tell the truth about their husbands.
5 Her soft nature recoiled from this ordeal, which had none of the stimulus of conflict to goad her through it.
6 He had, of course, been impatient under the ordeal of this speech.
7 Hence this waiting was an ordeal to him.
8 After another hour Lucy waked from her sleep, fresh and bright and seemingly not much the worse for her terrible ordeal.
9 It was his humour to have people know what an ordeal a concert was to him.
10 Gabriel glanced right and left nervously and tried to keep his good humour under the ordeal which was making a blush invade his forehead.
11 In ten minutes Jo came running downstairs with a very red face and the general appearance of a person who had just passed through a trying ordeal of some sort.
12 I was experiencing an ordeal: a hand of fiery iron grasped my vitals.
13 With almost a serene deportment, therefore, Hester Prynne passed through this portion of her ordeal, and came to a sort of scaffold, at the western extremity of the market-place.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContext Highlight In II. THE MARKET-PLACE 14 The infant, during the latter portion of her ordeal, pierced the air with its wailings and screams; she strove to hush it mechanically, but seemed scarcely to sympathise with its trouble.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContext Highlight In III. THE RECOGNITION 15 It was a genuine relief to the whole congregation when the ordeal was over and the benediction pronounced.