PICTORIAL in a Sentence

Learn PICTORIAL from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

Example sentences for PICTORIAL, such as:

1. The pretty girl on the cover of the pictorial is just a sales gimmick.

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 Meanings and Examples of PICTORIAL
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  evoking lifelike images within the mind; pertaining to or consisting of pictures
Classic Sentence:
1  It may be that the primal source of all those pictorial delusions will be found among the oldest Hindoo, Egyptian, and Grecian sculptures.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 55. Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales.
Example Sentence:
1  The pretty girl on the cover of the pictorial is just a sales gimmick.