1 Some are at the wide-flung gates, all the thousands that ever came from populous Mycenae.
2 Long shall be thine exile, and weary spaces of sea must thou furrow through; and thou shalt come to the land Hesperia, where Lydian Tiber flows with soft current through rich and populous fields.
3 The garret windows and tops of houses were so crowded with spectators, that I thought in all my travels I had not seen a more populous place.
4 We followed her at a short distance, our way lying in the same direction, until we came back into the lighted and populous streets.
5 To guard against such contingencies she frequented the more populous watering-places, where she installed herself impersonally in a hired house and looked on at life through the matting screen of her verandah.
6 This is not such a populous neighbourhood.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In IV. THE BOSCOMBE VALLEY MYSTERY 7 Suddenly the earth became populous, the forest had opened its eyes, and the meadows were lifting up their voice in song.
8 Thus people, riches, trade, power, change their stations, flourishing mighty cities come to ruin, and prove in times neglected desolate corners, whilst other unfrequented places grow into populous countries, filled with wealth and inhabitants.
9 The civilian population had either to do without or buy at the speculators' prices, and the poor and those in moderate circumstances were suffering increasing hardships.
10 To make matters worse, a vague distrust of those in high places had begun to creep over the civilian population.
11 In spite of all these trials and tribulations, Atlanta's ten thousand population had grown to double that number during the war.
12 The reason he had applied for transfer to the front, despite his useless arm, was that he realized, as the civilian population did not, the seriousness of the situation.
13 The commandants of the Yankee troops in the various cities had complete power, even the power of life and death, over the civilian population, and they used that power.
14 Thousands of house servants, the highest caste in the slave population, remained with their white folks, doing manual labor which had been beneath them in the old days.
15 The wives and families of the Yankee garrison, filled with curiosity about the South after four years of war, came to swell the population.