1 His unfinished studies had given form to this sensibility and even in his unhappiest moments field and sky spoke to him with a deep and powerful persuasion.
2 It is powerful cold down here, Ethan assented; and with lowered head he went up in his wife's wake, and followed her across the threshold of their room.
3 Suellen and Carreen were clay in her powerful hands and harkened respectfully to her warning.
4 Their leisured world had been turned topsy-turvy, and their pleadings, prayers and advice availed nothing against the powerful forces sweeping them along.
5 She watched the swell of his powerful shoulders against the cloth with a fascination that was disturbing, a little frightening.
6 Carol coaxed the powerful matrons to call on Bea.
7 She had nothing to say when he bent his powerful head and experimented, "My dear, I'm sorry I'm going away from this town."
8 To Hugh, the Red Swede was the most heroic and powerful person in the world.
9 During the second week Olaf's powerful legs were flabby.
10 It is sometimes the custom when fast to a whale more than commonly powerful and alert, to seek to hamstring him, as it were, by sundering or maiming his gigantic tail-tendon.
11 Marija is short, but powerful in build.
12 She is small, while he is big and powerful; she nestles in his arms as if she would hide herself from view, and leans her head upon his shoulder.
13 The Indians warily retraced their steps toward the place they had left, when the scout, placing his pole against a rock, by a powerful shove, sent his frail bark directly into the turbulent stream.
14 But his hands were bound; and at the first movement he made, he felt the grasp of the powerful Indian who directed the band, pressing his shoulder like a vise.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 10 15 However revolting a proposal of such a character might prove to Cora, she retained, notwithstanding her powerful disgust, sufficient self-command to reply, without betraying the weakness.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 11