1 Unable to agree with the Gentlemen's Glee Club as to the program for their next recital, the ladies had waited on Melanie that afternoon and announced their intention of withdrawing completely from the Musical Circle.
2 The bag is full of treasures and of memories: a leather buckle, an ancient band-concert program, scraps of ribbon, lace, satin.
3 Carol was panting as she crept to the meeting of the Thanatopsis program committee which was to decide the subject for next fall and winter.
4 Dramatic Art announces a program of four.
5 Now for instance, they were having winter racing in New Orleans and a syndicate was laying out each day's program in advance, and its agents in all the Northern cities were "milking" the poolrooms.
6 The plump boy ran after them angrily, as if vexed that their program had been disturbed.
7 The count got out helped by the footmen, and, passing among men and women who were entering and the program sellers, they all three went along the corridor to the first row of boxes.
8 Let us assume that this program was possible and had then been formulated, and that Alexander had acted on it.
9 But what this program consists in these historians do not say, or if they do they continually contradict one another.
10 Only then Levin recollected the title of the fantasia, and made haste to read in the Russian translation the lines from Shakespeare that were printed on the back of the program.
11 The club gets such a nice magazine, Culture Hints, and we follow its programs.