1 It was Christmas Eve, and I had to stir the pudding for next day, with a copper-stick, from seven to eight by the Dutch clock.
2 All this time Mrs. Joe and Joe were briskly clearing the table for the pie and pudding.
3 By degrees, I became calm enough to release my grasp and partake of pudding.
4 Mr. Pumblechook partook of pudding.
5 When we had done, he brought me a pudding, and having set it before me, seemed to ruminate, and to become absent in his mind for some moments.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 5. I AM SENT AWAY FROM HOME 6 'It's a pudding,' I made answer.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 5. I AM SENT AWAY FROM HOME 7 I never saw anyone enjoy a pudding so much, I think; and he laughed, when it was all gone, as if his enjoyment of it lasted still.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 5. I AM SENT AWAY FROM HOME 8 I heard that the table beer was a robbery of parents, and the pudding an imposition.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 6. I ENLARGE MY CIRCLE OF ACQUAINTANCE 9 Then, I went without my dinner, or bought a roll or a slice of pudding.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 11. I BEGIN LIFE ON MY OWN ACCOUNT, AND DON'T LIK... 10 I remember two pudding shops, between which I was divided, according to my finances.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 11. I BEGIN LIFE ON MY OWN ACCOUNT, AND DON'T LIK... 11 The pudding at that shop was made of currants, and was rather a special pudding, but was dear, twopennyworth not being larger than a pennyworth of more ordinary pudding.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 11. I BEGIN LIFE ON MY OWN ACCOUNT, AND DON'T LIK... 12 It was a stout pale pudding, heavy and flabby, and with great flat raisins in it, stuck in whole at wide distances apart.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 11. I BEGIN LIFE ON MY OWN ACCOUNT, AND DON'T LIK... 13 On the last Sunday, they invited me to dinner; and we had a loin of pork and apple sauce, and a pudding.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 12. LIKING LIFE ON MY OWN ACCOUNT NO BETTER, I FO... 14 We dined soon after I awoke, off a roast fowl and a pudding; I sitting at table, not unlike a trussed bird myself, and moving my arms with considerable difficulty.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 13. THE SEQUEL OF MY RESOLUTION 15 He wept; but so far recovered, almost immediately, as to ring the bell for the waiter, and bespeak a hot kidney pudding and a plate of shrimps for breakfast in the morning.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 17. SOMEBODY TURNS UP