1 She had been raised in the bedroom of Solange Robillard, Ellen O'Hara's mother, a dainty, cold, high-nosed French-woman, who spared neither her children nor her servants their just punishment for any infringement of decorum.
2 This was one time when she knew she couldn't wiggle out of her punishment by sitting on his knee and being sweet and pert.
3 Instead of punishment or reproof, she only regretted he had been shot.
4 The convicts would be afraid to complain to her for fear of worse punishment after she was gone.
5 As sinful men, it is a lesson to us all, because it is a story of the sin, hard-heartedness, suddenly awakened fears, the swift punishment, repentance, prayers, and finally the deliverance and joy of Jonah.
6 He feels that his dreadful punishment is just.
7 And here, shipmates, is true and faithful repentance; not clamorous for pardon, but grateful for punishment.
8 Nevertheless, after I went to bed, this idea of punishment and Purgatory came back on me crushingly.
9 Nothing but the most prompt, speedy and extreme punishment can hold in check the horrible and beastial propensities of the Negro race.
10 The swift punishment which invariably follows these horrible crimes doubtless acts as a deterring effect upon the Negroes in that immediate neighborhood for a short time.
11 The facts of the crime appear to appeal more to the Negro's lustful imagination than the facts of the punishment do to his fears.
12 The strong arm of the law must be brought to bear upon lynchers in severe punishment, but this cannot and will not be done unless a healthy public sentiment demands and sustains such action.
13 By the right exercise of his power as the industrial factor of the South, the Afro-American can demand and secure his rights, the punishment of lynchers, and a fair trial for accused rapists.
14 This called for punishment, of course; and the police proceeded to administer it by leaping from the truck and cracking at every head they saw.
15 When he had enumerated the many different occasions on which the Hurons had exhibited their courage and prowess, in the punishment of insults, he digressed in a high encomium on the virtue of wisdom.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 27