16 The government was accused of covert military operations against the regime.
17 He could not complain that he was uninformed about the true nature of the regime.
18 The regime at Latchmere could be seen as a soft option.
19 The overthrow of the regime was followed by a period of anarchy.
20 The UK has refused to recognize the new regime.
21 Without a modern, robust copyright regime, companies are unwilling to invest in innovative new digital services in this country.
22 It's still far from clear whether he can persuade his more conservative colleagues in the regime to support the process.
23 State Department officials insisted that, privately, the Yeltsin regime is still willing to cooperate in the search for peace.
24 Tax avoidance is the legal utilization of the tax regime to one's own advantage, in order to reduce the amount of tax.
25 The Bush administration initially refused to negotiate, saying the North Korean regime had to first scrap its nuclear weapons program.
26 Kiln is thermally insulated chamber, or oven, in which a controlled temperature regime is produced.
27 He says, US studios acquiesced to Nazi censorship of their films actively cooperated with the regime's world propaganda effort.
28 That regime - in which fewer than a third of firms shoulder the entire corporate tax burden - has been seen as essentially subsidizing inefficiency and punishing profitability.
29 This reluctance to move towards a democratic state is typical of totalitarian regimes.
30 Women's magazines regularly feature diets and exercise regimes.