1 When furloughs from the rapidly thinning army were denied, these soldiers went home without them, to plow their land and plant their crops, repair their houses and build up their fences.
2 The replacing of these posts was one bit of repair work Scarlett did not suggest and, if the negroes knew why, they kept their silence.
3 The heavy old mahogany table, spread with cake and decanters, still presided in the empty-looking dining room but it was scratched and the broken legs showed signs of clumsy repair.
4 Not even Melanie's influence could repair the break of that gossamer thread.
5 And Melanie, bewildered, broken hearted but still loyal, did not try to repair it.
6 Miss Sherwin's trying to repair the holes in this barnacle-covered ship of a town by keeping busy bailing out the water.
7 That business consisted in fetching the Commodore's craft such a thwack, that with all his pumps going he made straight for the nearest port to heave down and repair.
8 On the contrary, there was an air of neglect about his person, like that which might have proceeded from great and recent exertion, which he had not yet found leisure to repair.
9 I seek to repair what is amiss, if I possibly can; and I hope you will assist me in a good spirit, Bounderby, for I have been very much distressed.
10 No spider ever took more pains to repair the shattered meshes of his web, than did Waldemar Fitzurse to reunite and combine the scattered members of Prince John's cabal.
11 Let him carry a written order to De Bracy's company of Free Companions, to repair instantly to their master's aid.
12 It was in perfect repair: till the war the Weatherleys had lived in style there.
13 It was necessary that he should immediately repair to Rome, whither this man had sped for health, and where he had died, leaving his affairs in great confusion.
14 A short walk brought us to it, a bleak moorland house, once the farm of some grazier in the old prosperous days, but now put into repair and turned into a modern dwelling.
The Hound of the Baskervilles By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In Chapter 7. The Stapletons of Merripit House 15 Her daughter, aged fifteen, was among the punters, and notified with a covert glance the cheatings of the poor people who tried to repair the cruelties of fate.