1 Cosette's pace retarded Jean Valjean's.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 5: CHAPTER III—TO WIT, THE PLAN OF PARIS IN 1727 2 Fortunately, the soil, which was light and wet with the winter rains, clogged the wheels and retarded its speed.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 8: CHAPTER V—IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO BE DRUNK IN ORDER TO BE ... 3 His march, far from being retarded by his singing, was accelerated by it.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 15: CHAPTER IV—GAVROCHE'S EXCESS OF ZEAL 4 Let us see," said he, "I have swum above an hour, but as the wind is against me, that has retarded my speed; however, if I am not mistaken, I must be close to Tiboulen.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 21. The Island of Tiboulen. 5 But his wounds always made it seem that his feet were retarded, held, and he fought a grim fight, as with invisible ghouls fastened greedily upon his limbs.
6 The spring, long retarded by previous cold, had now begun in all its comeliness, and life was rampant.
7 For as the censors became the arbiters of morals in Rome, it was very much owing to them that the progress of the Romans towards corruption was retarded.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo MachiavelliContext Highlight In BOOK 1: CHAPTER XLIX. 8 The aperture was already sufficiently large for him to enter, but by waiting, he could still cling to hope, and retard the certainty of deception.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 24. The Secret Cave. 9 Demoustier says, and I will not retard its course, or disturb its calm.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 65. A Conjugal Scene. 10 I resolved, therefore, that if my immediate union with my cousin would conduce either to hers or my father's happiness, my adversary's designs against my life should not retard it a single hour.
11 Doubtless the scheme may have been used, in unjustifiable ways, as a means of retarding our emancipation.
12 Jealousy of Mr Elliot had been the retarding weight, the doubt, the torment.