1 Why, waiting for me to take a ride.
2 I kinder knew I'd want to take a ride to-night, Eady, in his triumph, tried to put a sentimental note into his bragging voice.
3 They had known her for years, and, since their childhood, she had been a favorite playmate, for she could ride horses and climb trees almost as well as they.
4 Give me a good horse to ride and some good licker to drink and a good girl to court and a bad girl to have fun with and anybody can have their Europe.
5 They had sorely missed the excitement of the drills while away, and they counted education well lost if only they could ride and yell and shoot off rifles in the company of their friends.
6 She had wanted him, in that first instant, wanted him as simply and unreasoningly as she wanted food to eat, horses to ride and a soft bed on which to lay herself.
7 The urgent need of a wife became clear to him one morning when he was dressing to ride to town for Court Day.
8 And she thought with a tingling in her heart how she and Ashley might ride swiftly through this beauty of blossom and greenery this very afternoon, or tonight by moonlight, toward Jonesboro and a preacher.
9 Except on rare occasions she always wore her riding habit, for whether she rode or not she always expected to ride and in that expectation put on her habit upon arising.
10 You must ride over and see him, Mr. O'Hara.
11 Pa, please ride behind us or in front of us.
12 Perhaps I am too old to march but not to ride and shoot.
13 And even if you reached Jonesboro safely, there'd be a five-mile ride over a rough road before you ever reached Tara.
14 She decided to ride to the Fontaines' first, not because they were the nearest neighbors but because old Dr. Fontaine might be there.
15 They had a horse now and they could ride instead of walk.