1 See if I don't, even if I don't scream and faint.
2 I'll scream out loud if you come near me.
3 But after all, she's never had a baby, and sometimes she makes me so nervous I could scream.
4 She would have preferred a loud scream to silent endurance.
5 If she thought of these things, she'd begin to scream and bawl like Prissy.
6 If she stepped on one of these men, she'd scream and faint.
7 She wanted very much to scream every time Melanie did, and only by biting her lips so hard it infuriated her could she restrain herself and drive off hysteria.
8 When she was able to bear the sniffling noise no longer, Scarlett turned and pinched her viciously, causing Prissy to scream in good earnest before she relapsed into frightened silence.
9 If he says "They" once more, I'll scream.
10 And then he comes dragging back with the tears all over his face and he says over and over till I could scream: 'Katie Scarlett, Mrs. O'Hara is dead.'
11 She was bitterly cold and hungry and so fearful of what lurked in the mists about her that she tried to scream and could not.
12 She struggled against him madly, trying to bite his hand, to kick his legs, to scream her rage, despair, hate, her agony of broken pride.
13 Wait till I've gone and then scream if you've got to.
14 Handling her needle awkwardly, she jabbed it into her thumb and with a little scream of pain and annoyance that made them all jump, she squeezed it until a bright red drop appeared.
15 And then like a blinding ray of lightning, the knowledge of death and fear that suddenly made her try to scream a name and the scream was only a whisper.