1 He hopped about and pecked the earth briskly, looking for seeds and insects.
2 Miss Mary has plenty of money and will you go to Thwaite and buy her some flower seeds and a set of garden tools to make a flower-bed.
3 He laughed and came back to the log and began to talk about the flower seeds again.
4 When Dickon began to clear places to plant seeds, she remembered what Basil had sung at her when he wanted to tease her.
5 Mary, kneeling by him holding the seeds, looked at him and stopped frowning.
6 She was very much interested in the seeds and gardening tools, and there was only one moment when Mary was frightened.
7 The seeds Dickon and Mary had planted grew as if fairies had tended them.
8 It'll work same as th seeds do when th sun shines on em.
9 The moist hungry earth, waiting upturned for the cotton seeds, showed pinkish on the sandy tops of furrows, vermilion and scarlet and maroon where shadows lay along the sides of the trenches.
10 The withered stalks of last year's cotton had to be removed to make way for this year's seeds and the balky horse, unaccustomed to the plow, dragged unwillingly through the fields.
11 You been sendin us money right along and Ashley and me, well, we've paid taxes and bought the mule and seeds and what-all and a few hogs and chickens.
12 No, Scarlett, the seeds of greatness were never in me.
13 Sickly yellow leaves in a windrow with dried wings of box-elder seeds and snags of wool from the cotton-woods.
14 He gave us knives, but no plates, and the top of the table was soon swimming with juice and seeds.
15 I tied my pony and went into the kitchen where Mrs. Shimerda was baking bread, chewing poppy seeds as she worked.