1 The horses carried it off in cart-loads, the sheep dragged single blocks, even Muriel and Benjamin yoked themselves into an old governess-cart and did their share.
2 Digging and delving we break with the share of the plough the clod.
3 I am quite sure of him," replied Jekyll; "I have grounds for certainty that I cannot share with any one.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContext Highlight In CHAPTER INCIDENT OF THE LETTER 4 I do not blame our old friend," Jekyll wrote, "but I share his view that we must never meet.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContext Highlight In CHAPTER REMARKABLE INCIDENT OF DR. LANYON 5 I understand and share the wise consideration with which you regard his errors.
6 Isaac's own share in this transaction was considerable, and he well knew that the Prince's eager desire to bring it to a conclusion would ensure him his protection in the dilemma in which he stood.
7 A knight thus overcome was not permitted to take farther share in the combat.
8 Yet the valiant Jester, as soon as he found himself safe, hesitated more than once whether he should not turn back and share the captivity of a master to whom he was sincerely attached.
9 I must share his spoils with Front-de-Boeuf, who will not lend us the use of his castle for nothing.
10 The faithful Gurth indeed sprung forward on the planked bridge, to warn Cedric of his impending fate, or to share it with him.
11 You have only got more than your share of the money, and make people work for you for two pounds a week, or threaten them with starvation.
12 Here she was, sure as life, coming in for her share of the lowness and dirt.
13 The state of her spirits had probably had its share in her indisposition; for she had been feeling neglected, and been struggling against discontent and envy for some days past.
14 His duties would be established, but the wife who was to share, and animate, and reward those duties, might yet be unattainable.
15 Nothing remained of last night but remembrances, which she had nobody to share in.