1 Along the main street lights had begun to shine from the house-fronts and stray figures were turning in here and there at the gates.
2 Each morning, rain or shine, Nellie was saddled and walked up and down in front of the house, waiting for the time when Mrs. Tarleton could spare an hour away from her duties.
3 And, even if he makes a mint of money, he'll never lend any shine and sparkle to Tara, like your father did.
4 But he was prompt to perceive that the general dulness of the season afforded him an unusual opportunity to shine, and he set about with patient industry to form a background for his growing glory.
5 She wanted to shine upon the veal-faced bristly-bearded Lyman Cass as much as upon Miles Bjornstam or Guy Pollock.
6 Sometimes they are polished with soapstone and sand, till they shine within like silver punch-bowls.
7 We burrowed down in the straw and curled up close together, watching the angry red die out of the west and the stars begin to shine in the clear, windy sky.
8 The sunlight poured in, making everything on the table shine and glitter and the flame of the alcohol lamp disappear altogether.
9 They used the very flimsiest and cheapest material; they built the houses a dozen at a time, and they cared about nothing at all except the outside shine.
10 And then among them some one would "take a shine" to him, and they would go off together and travel for a week, exchanging reminiscences.
11 Rain or shine, work or no work, at the end of each week the money must be forthcoming, or I must give up my privilege.
12 Or, on the other hand, he might be a man heretofore doomed to peace and obscurity, but, in reality, made to shine in war.
13 They were insignificant; still, in a district where laurels were infrequent, they might shine.
14 The sun does not more certainly shine in the heavens than that which I now affirm is true.
15 We shall make our bed of dried leaves; the sun will shine on us as on man and will ripen our food.