1 It had been his own idea to wear that touch of powder, and I had conceded the powder after overcoming the shorts.
2 Young men in shorts leapt out on one side; girls with skin-coloured legs on the other.
3 She stopped short, and he felt, in the darkness, that her face was lifted quickly to his.
4 Zeena stopped short and looked at him.
5 Her husband stopped short at sight of her.
6 In the agitation caused by the gravity of her announcement he sought a consolatory short cut.
7 He stopped short, not grasping what he heard.
8 Her pleadings still came to him between short sobs, but he no longer heard what she was saying.
9 His thickset torso was supported by short sturdy legs, always incased in the finest leather boots procurable and always planted wide apart like a swaggering small boy's.
10 His was as Irish a face as could be found in the length and breadth of the homeland he had left so long ago--round, high colored, short nosed, wide mouthed and belligerent.
11 And life was too short to miss such pleasant things.
12 Her neck was short but rounded and her arms plump and enticing.
13 For one short instant, it was as though the sun had ducked behind a cool cloud, leaving the world in shadow, taking the color out of things.
14 However, remembering her plan, Scarlett smothered her contempt and cast such a flashing smile of greeting at him that he stopped short, his arm outheld to Suellen and goggled at Scarlett in pleased bewilderment.
15 Only the young men retained the restless energy which had filled the whole throng a short while before.