SHOUT in a Sentence

Learn SHOUT from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

245 example sentences for SHOUT, such as:

1. All the shouting had left her rather hoarse.
2. They shouted out the names of those detained.
3. She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team.
4. His hands slacked down when he heard her shouting.
5. Ben put his hand over the mouthpiece and shouted to me.

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 Meanings and Examples of SHOUT
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  utter a loud call or cry
 n.  a loud call or cry
Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
1  He wanted to shout and to sing and to kiss her and to caper about the lawn and then run tell everyone, black and white, that she loved him.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI
2  Everyone knew these things were true even if they didn't shout them on the street corners.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX
3  A honking, a shout, the motor engine raced before it was shut off.
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XV
4  "God bless ye," he seemed to half sob and half shout.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 36. The Quarter-Deck.
5  With a shout, they took a mortal start forwards, and slantingly ranged up on the German's quarter.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 81. The Pequod Meets The Virgin.
6  She did shout for joy, as with a sweeping stroke or two she lifted her body to the surface of the water.
The Awakening By Kate Chopin
Context  Highlight   In X
7  They got his watch and his "wad," and were round the corner again and into the saloon before he could shout more than once.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 25
8  Next followed the shout of Uncas, when the woods were lighted by a sudden flash, that was accompanied by the sharp report of the hunter's rifle.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 4
9  The Mohicans boldly sent back the intimidating yell of their enemies, who raised a shout of savage triumph at the fall of Gamut.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 7
10  The young Mohican gave a shout of triumph, and followed by Duncan, he glided up the acclivity they had descended to the combat, and sought the friendly shelter of the rocks and shrubs.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 7
11  No shout of triumph succeeded this important advantage, but even the Mohicans gazed at each other in silent horror.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 8
12  A shout was at that moment heard, as if issuing from the center of the rock, announcing that the neighboring cavern had at length been entered.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 9
13  Raising a shout of triumph, he sprang toward the defenseless Cora, sending his keen axe as the dreadful precursor of his approach.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 12
14  A shout arose from the Hurons, who seized the opportunity to fire another volley.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 20
15  Another shout announced the good fortune of the youth to his companions, and at once terminated the search.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 21
Example Sentence: (35 in 3 pages)
16  "Watch what you're doing, you clumsy oaf!" Bill shouted at the waiter who had drenched him with iced coffee.
17  They shouted him down when he tried to explain why Zaire needed an interim government.
18  She could no longer contain her anger and shouted at him uncontrollably.
19  Ben put his hand over the mouthpiece and shouted to me.
20  He shouted so loudly that the whole neighbourhood could hear him.
21  She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team.
22  They shouted out the names of those detained.
23  I saw a man shouting at a driver whose car was blocking the street.
24  A tumult of shouting and screaming came from within the house.
25  From every direction, people were running and shouting and falling over each other in a tumult of confusion.
26  His hands slacked down when he heard her shouting.
27  When I came back to the hotel Laura and Peter were shouting and bawling at each other.
28  Sometimes he just doesn't listen and I end up shouting at him or giving him a smack.
29  All the shouting had left her rather hoarse.
30  In a very short time the Queen was in a furious passion, and shouting 'Off with his head!' or 'Off with her head!' about once in a minute.