SHOVE in a Sentence

Learn SHOVE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

88 example sentences for SHOVE, such as:

1. He shoved her out of the way.
2. Scarlett gave her a shove and loosened her grip.
3. The crowd was pushing and shoving to get a better view.
4. Voters are telling the Congress to shove its new tax plan.
5. They can take their three cents an hour raise and shove it.

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 Meanings and Examples of SHOVE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  drive along by the direct and continuous application of strength; push along, aside, or away, in a careless manner
Classic Sentence: (78 in 6 pages)
1  She jerked Prissy to her feet and sent her kitchenwards with a shove.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXI
2  Scarlett gave her a shove and loosened her grip.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIII
3  "Scoot up to the attic and get my box of dress patterns, Mammy," she cried, giving her a slight shove.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXII
4  Then the three went outside, and the man who was holding the woman gave her a shove and dashed out himself.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 26
5  The Indians warily retraced their steps toward the place they had left, when the scout, placing his pole against a rock, by a powerful shove, sent his frail bark directly into the turbulent stream.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 5
6  "La, Aunt Chloe, shove it under, and let 'em sit up," said Mas'r George, decisively, giving a push to the rude machine.'
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IV
7  Nine logs was enough for one time; he must shove right over to town and sell.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VII.
8  Well, my idea is this: we'll rustle around and gather up whatever pickins we've overlooked in the staterooms, and shove for shore and hide the truck.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XII.
9  You shove right in dah jist a few steps, Mars Jawge; dah's whah dey is.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XVIII.
10  "Wostov, deah fellow, just see how much there is left and shove the purse undah the pillow," he said, and went out to the quartermaster.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER IV
11  "Anybody can shove," said the footman, and also began working his elbows to such effect that he pushed Petya into a very filthy corner of the gateway.
War and Peace 3 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 9: CHAPTER XXI
12  And the sergeant, taking one of the men by the shoulders, gave him a shove with his knee.
War and Peace 4 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 10: CHAPTER XXXI
13  Then his father gave him a hefty shove from behind which released him from where he was held and sent him flying, and heavily bleeding, deep into his room.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
Context  Highlight   In I
14  Some shove and strain with their shoulders at big grains, some marshal the ranks and chastise delay; all the path is aswarm with work.
The Aeneid By Virgil
Context  Highlight   In BOOK FOURTH
15  It was regrettable that he had given Franz a shove, and it could only be excused by the heat of the moment.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
Context  Highlight   In Chapter Five The whip-man
Example Sentence:
1  The difference between whether a shove or a nudge is more appropriate might go to the harm that results.
2  When we were ready to shove off, we were a quarter of a mile below the island.
3  When we was ready to shove off we was a quarter of a mile below the island, and it was pretty broad day; so I made Jim lay down in the canoe and cover up with the quilt, because if he set up people could tell he was a nigger a good ways off.
4  Voters are telling the Congress to shove its new tax plan.
5  They can take their three cents an hour raise and shove it.
6  We laid low and kept still, and never shoved out till nearly ten o'clock; then we slid by, pretty wide away from the town, and didn't hoist our lantern till we was clear out of sight of it.
7  I took the sack of corn meal and took it to where the canoe was hid, and shoved the vines and branches apart and put it in; then I done the same with the side of bacon; then the whisky-jug.
8  He shoved her out of the way.
9  She was jostled and shoved by an angry crowd as she left the court.
10  The crowd was pushing and shoving to get a better view.