1 Cade lounged gracefully on her left, plucking at her skirt to attract her attention and staring up with smoldering eyes at Stuart.
2 If she could only be with Ellen, just to see her, to hold onto her skirt, to cry and pour out the whole story in her lap.
3 "Oh, now I've made you cry, too," sobbed Pittypat, in a pleased way, fumbling in her skirt pocket for her handkerchief.
4 Then she turned blindly, bent on flight into the refreshment rooms, but her skirt caught on a nail of the booth.
5 "Dey's in yo skirt pocket," said Prissy, who had been hovering behind Scarlett, enjoying the sensational drama.
6 Pitty fumbled at her skirt and held the vial to her nose.
7 She started after him but Mrs. Elsing caught her skirt and held her.
8 Miss Hope, death in her face, sat erect beside her, holding her sister's skirt in a tight grasp.
9 She filled her skirt with the best of them and came back across the soft earth, collecting small pebbles in her slippers.
10 Scarlett laid down the reins and pulled up her skirt.
11 Hardly waiting to rub the dirt off on her skirt, she bit off half and swallowed it hastily.
12 Quickly and noiselessly, she ran into the upper hall and down the stairs, steadying herself on the banisters with one hand and holding the pistol close to her thigh in the folds of her skirt.
13 She stopped and wrung her hands and the frightened sobbing of little Wade who was clutching Melanie's skirt added to her panic.
14 He ran to her, like a small frightened animal, and clutching her wide skirt, buried his face in it.
15 And, as the child only gripped her skirt the tighter, she said clearly: "Be a little man, Wade."