1 Scarlett shot a look of sharp suspicion at her, but Mammy's broad face carried only a look of innocence and of regret that Scarlett was not the lady Melanie Hamilton was.
2 She had a shrewd suspicion that the reason he had so much money left over was that he had not bought the fowls or most of the food.
3 They kept the negroes stirred up with tales of cruelty perpetrated by the whites and, in a section long famed for the affectionate relations between slaves and slave owners, hate and suspicion began to grow.
4 As if by magic, the door of the parlor opened and the wide black face of Mammy appeared, ardent curiosity and deepest suspicion evident in every wrinkle.
5 Mammy was torn between indignation at the very idea of her two hundred pounds scooting anywhere, much less to the attic, and the dawning of a horrid suspicion.
6 "Yas'm," said Mammy softly, capitulating with a suddenness which aroused all the suspicion in Scarlett's mind.
7 Ashley looked at Will quickly and then looked away, saying nothing but wondering if Will had the same awful suspicion which was haunting him.
8 Mammy's quick old eyes sought hers with suspicion and question but her curiosity went unsatisfied.
9 So the tumult of gossip, surmise and deep suspicion which followed the announcement of his quiet wedding to Scarlett was not surprising.
10 Behind them came the Yankee captain, his face a study of mingled suspicion and amusement.
11 Something in the last low interchange of words made a new fear and suspicion rise up in Scarlett's breast like a chill ever-swelling bubble.
12 The bubble of suspicion in her breast was swelling larger now.
13 Mammy had hunted for it, just before the funeral when the pallbearers wanted a drink, and already the air in the kitchen was electric with suspicion between Mammy, Cookie and Peter.
14 Scarlett had a suspicion that Rhett had gone to great pains to have the ring made up and, for pure meanness, had ordered it made as ostentatious as possible.
15 She learned that his compliments were always two edged and his tenderest expressions open to suspicion.