1 For, Melanie, these things I have named are but the symbols of the thing for which I risk my life, symbols of the kind of life I love.
2 Behind them and mixed with them, the houses, meek cottages or large, comfortable, soundly uninteresting symbols of prosperity.
3 One could not stand and watch very long without becoming philosophical, without beginning to deal in symbols and similes, and to hear the hog squeal of the universe.
4 His features were attractive in the light of symbols, as sounds intrinsically common become attractive in language, and as shapes intrinsically simple become interesting in writing.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 3: 1 "My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is" 5 Having once recognized, however, that the symbols stood for letters, and having applied the rules which guide us in all forms of secret writings, the solution was easy enough.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In III. THE ADVENTURE OF THE DANCING MEN 6 Accepting it as correct, we are now able to say that the symbols.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In III. THE ADVENTURE OF THE DANCING MEN 7 The formula which he wrote obediently on the sheet of paper, the coiling and uncoiling calculations of the professor, the spectre-like symbols of force and velocity fascinated and jaded Stephen's mind.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 5 8 And there is also something about the shorthand symbols that makes it different from writing.
9 All this without that diabolic aid which is surely to him; for it have to yield to the powers that come from, and are, symbolic of good.
10 The long shadows of the forest had slipped down hill while we talked, had gone far beyond the ruined hovel, beyond the symbolic row of stakes.
11 The last Count of Spada, moreover, made me his heir, bequeathing to me this symbolic breviary, he bequeathed to me all it contained; no, no, make your mind satisfied on that point.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 18. The Treasure. 12 There was something almost bridal in his own aspect: his large white gardenia had a symbolic air that struck Lily as a good omen.
13 The instincts of merry England lingered on here with exceptional vitality, and the symbolic customs which tradition has attached to each season of the year were yet a reality on Egdon.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 6: 1 The Inevitable Movement Onward 14 At his desire, she went hunting, which was his symbol of happiness, and she ordered porridge for breakfast, which was his symbol of morality.
15 He refused to wear soft hats; cleaved to a hard derby, as a symbol of virility and prosperity; and sometimes he forgot to take it off in the house.