1 It was a secret he would never learn, for everyone from Ellen down to the stupidest field hand was in a tacit and kindly conspiracy to keep him believing that his word was law.
2 One or two of the men wandered off in search of their partners for supper, and the others, noticing Selden's approach, gave way to him in accordance with the tacit freemasonry of the ball-room.
3 No one referred to it, and this tacit avoidance of the subject kept it in the immediate foreground of consciousness.
4 By some tacit consent, throughout the voyage little or no allusion was made to it, especially by the mates.
5 They do not see that by their tacit encouragement, their silent acquiescence, the black shadow of lawlessness in the form of lynch law is spreading its wings over the whole country.
6 They seemed never before to have weighed much against the abundance of her husband's kindness and a uniform devotion which had come to be tacit and self-understood.
7 Mr. Pontellier had been a rather courteous husband so long as he met a certain tacit submissiveness in his wife.
8 His attitude became one of good-humored subservience and tacit adoration.
9 Jean Valjean had tacitly accepted Cosette's tacit consent.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER VII—TO ONE SADNESS OPPOSE A SADNESS AND A HALF 10 Two men who have a secret in common, and who, by a sort of tacit agreement, exchange not a word on the subject, are less rare than is commonly supposed.
Les Misérables 5 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 5: CHAPTER VII—THE EFFECTS OF DREAMS MINGLED WITH HAPPINESS 11 Her husband had not been obliged to say anything to her; she yielded to the vague but clear pressure of his tacit intentions, and obeyed blindly.
Les Misérables 5 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 9: CHAPTER I—PITY FOR THE UNHAPPY, BUT INDULGENCE FOR THE HA... 12 Thus it was easy, and almost natural for children, by a tacit, and scarce avoidable consent, to make way for the father's authority and government.
13 There is a common distinction of an express and a tacit consent, which will concern our present case.
14 The difficulty is, what ought to be looked upon as a tacit consent, and how far it binds, i.
15 'So if yer want t' key, yer'd better tacit.