1 A faint blush was creeping over his face as she turned for he was timid with girls.
2 Too wide across the cheek bones, too pointed at the chin, it was a sweet, timid face but a plain face, and she had no feminine tricks of allure to make observers forget its plainness.
3 The men in the commissary were not very exciting, and the sight of Frank's timid courting annoyed her until she found it difficult to be polite to him.
4 He was unfailingly courteous to her, but she was a little timid with him, largely because she was shy with any man she had not known from childhood.
5 The mockingbird, which nested in the tangle of roses and honeysuckle, roused from slumber and gave one timid, liquid note.
6 God intended women to be timid frightened creatures and there's something unnatural about a woman who isn't afraid.
7 He cleared his throat raspingly, clawed at his whiskers and smiled his nervous timid smile.
8 Moreover, he's nervous and timid and well meaning, and I don't know of any more damning qualities a man can have.
9 That would probably upset Frank, for he was timid and fond of the approbation of his friends.
10 In the brief period of the courtship, he thought he had never known a woman more attractively feminine in her reactions to life, ignorant, timid and helpless.
11 She could never respect a man who let her run over him and the timid, hesitant attitude he displayed in any unpleasant situation, with her or with others, irritated her unbearably.
12 Because she nagged the timid Frank, the store was doing better now and he was even collecting some of the old bills.
13 She was too timid to appear behind the kerosene-lamp footlights, but she could make costumes out of croker sacks if they were the only material available.
14 And she, the most timid of females, had not been frightened to be alone with him in her house.
15 She put a timid hand on Scarlett's arm.