1 The islands' economy is largely dependent upon tourism.
2 Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky attempt to commercialise a real and vanishing culture.
3 The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.
4 Lisbon's foreign earnings have been badly hurt by the drastic drop in tourism.
5 Most of the east coast remains mercifully untouched by tourism.
6 Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.
7 The city is finally realizing its tourism potential.
8 These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange.
9 The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry.
10 The growth of tourism brought prosperity to the island.
11 We hope that this investment will lead to increased tourism in the area.
12 In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.
13 It now ranks along with oil and tourism as Mexico's biggest foreign currency earner.
14 The bridge, restored for its centenary, is a worthy contribution to future tourism in Durango state.
15 He has declared that tourism is a human right and those too poor to afford it should have their travel subsidized by the taxpayer.