1 Ere she had time to do so, the Templar whispered to the Prior, "I shall wear no collar of gold of yours at the tournament."
2 I say besides, for I saw it, that King Richard himself, and five of his knights, held a tournament after the taking of St John-de-Acre, as challengers against all comers.
3 For the same sort of persons, who, in the present day, applaud most highly the deepest tragedies, were then interested in a tournament exactly in proportion to the danger incurred by the champions engaged.
4 The marshals of the field, however, spurred their horses between them, and reminded them, that the laws of the tournament did not, on the present occasion, permit this species of encounter.
5 From the Disinherited Knight," said Gurth, "victor in this day's tournament.
6 In fact, although the general tournament, in which all knights fought at once, was more dangerous than single encounters, they were, nevertheless, more frequented and practised by the chivalry of the age.
7 "Front-de-Boeuf must prepare to restore his fief of Ivanhoe," said De Bracy, who, having discharged his part honourably in the tournament, had laid his shield and helmet aside, and again mingled with the Prince's retinue.
8 That was for the golf tournament.
9 At her first big golf tournament there was a row that nearly reached the newspapers--a suggestion that she had moved her ball from a bad lie in the semi-final round.
10 She wasn't altogether pleased, the week after, when Erik was independent and, without asking for her inspiration, planned the tennis tournament.
11 No one referred to their tennis tournament.
12 Mr. Bhaer soon joined her, looking rather out of his element, and presently several of the philosophers, each mounted on his hobby, came ambling up to hold an intellectual tournament in the recess.
13 Some exercise their limbs in tournament on the greensward, contend in games, and wrestle on the yellow sand.
14 By the next year I had a few beaux myself, and I began to play in tournaments, so I didn't see Daisy very often.
15 You turn a feudal personage yourself, and find yourself taking part in knightly tournaments.