TRACT in a Sentence

Learn TRACT from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

26 example sentences for TRACT, such as:

1. A vast tract of land is ready for development.
2. He saw the squalid tract of her vice, miserable and malodorous.
3. When you read about 'em in tracts they're always very religious.'
4. At one corner of the tract is a large Sultan Center wholesale outlet.
5. In acute infections of the urinary tract the patient may suffer severe pain.

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 Meanings and Examples of TRACT
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  expanse of land or water; system of organs that perform a specialized function; leaflet or pamphlet
Classic Sentence: (20 in 2 pages)
1  A Saturday afternoon in November was approaching the time of twilight, and the vast tract of unenclosed wild known as Egdon Heath embrowned itself moment by moment.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: 1 A Face on Which Time Makes but Little Impression
2  The old man frequently stretched his eyes ahead to gaze over the tract that he had yet to traverse.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: 2 Humanity Appears upon the Scene, Hand in Hand with Trouble
3  You could not find a more lonely tract of road anywhere, and it is quite rare to meet so much as a cart, or a peasant, until you reach the high road near Crooksbury Hill.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
4  Holmes pointed down the long tract of road which wound, a reddish yellow band, between the brown of the heath and the budding green of the woods.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
5  Had it not been for us whalemen, that tract of land would this day perhaps have been in as howling condition as the coast of Labrador.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 6. The Street.
6  This is a great tract of a hundred thousand acres, which from time immemorial has been a hunting preserve of the nobility.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 2
7  Birds, beasts, and man, appeared to slumber alike, if, indeed, any of the latter were to be found in that wide tract of wilderness.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 14
8  Consciousness of place came ebbing back to him slowly over a vast tract of time unlit, unfelt, unlived.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 3
9  He saw the squalid tract of her vice, miserable and malodorous.
Dubliners By James Joyce
Context  Highlight   In A PAINFUL CASE
10  In my hand I held the tract containing the sudden death of the Liar, to which narrative my attention had been pointed as to an appropriate warning.
Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IV
11  Yet ere then draw thou nigh the nether chambers of Dis, and in the deep tract of hell come, O son, to meet me.
The Aeneid By Virgil
Context  Highlight   In BOOK FIFTH
12  Like many insane people, his insanity might be measured by the things he was not aware of the great desert tracts in his consciousness.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 9
13  He walked through the warm sun westward into those tracts of Egdon with which he was best acquainted, being those lying nearer to his old home.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 4: 2 He Is Set upon by Adversities but He Sings a Song
14  Those of the dyed barbarians who had chosen the cultivable tracts were, in comparison with those who had left their marks here, as writers on paper beside writers on parchment.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 6: 1 The Inevitable Movement Onward
15  When you read about 'em in tracts they're always very religious.'
The Secret Garden By Frances Hodgson Burnett
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IV
Example Sentence:
1  This unique herbal tea blend is a safe, all-natural designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body.
2  At one corner of the tract is a large Sultan Center wholesale outlet.
3  I had, by cross-ways and by- paths, once more drawn near the tract of moorland; and now, only a few fields, almost as wild and unproductive as the heath from which they were scarcely reclaimed, lay between me and the dusky hill.
4  Adult tapeworm infection is the infection of the digestive tract by parasitic flatworms.
5  A vast tract of land is ready for development.
6  In acute infections of the urinary tract the patient may suffer severe pain.