1 His heart ached with a dull, unpleasant sensation, with a sort of oppressive emptiness.
2 "I should be ashamed to trouble you with such an unpleasant commission," replied Vassili.
3 It happened that just at that time the Prince had several other important affairs on hand, and affairs of a very unpleasant nature.
4 That is pleasant to friends, and always very unpleasant to those who are not friends, especially when it is impossible either to have things out or to separate.
5 I didn't expect to die so soon; it's a most unpleasant incident, to tell the truth.
6 Another had such a very dirty old uniform that there was an unpleasant odour in his proximity.
7 I have called you together, gentlemen, to tell you an unpleasant piece of news.
8 I suppose you must have found travelling very unpleasant after living in the capital.
9 It must really have been extremely unpleasant for you.
10 I must say, it's extremely unpleasant.
11 He said this smiling in a way more natural and animated than usual, so that the wrinkles round his mouth very clearly revealed something unexpectedly coarse and unpleasant.
12 But the smile did not enhance Vera's beauty as smiles generally do; on the contrary it gave her an unnatural, and therefore unpleasant, expression.
13 The handsome Vera, who produced such an irritating and unpleasant effect on everyone, smiled and, evidently unmoved by what had been said to her, went to the looking glass and arranged her hair and scarf.
14 Prince Andrew stopped and made a grimace, as if expecting something unpleasant.
15 He laughed in his usual dry, cold, unpleasant way, with his lips only and not with his eyes.