1 Of the sweetness and courage and unyielding pride of her friends, Scarlett saw nothing.
2 It was as if Atlanta society, scattered and wrecked by war, depleted by death, bewildered by change, had found in her an unyielding nucleus about which it could re-form.
3 Remembering these tragedies, a cold dread ran in the veins of those whose motto was "No surrender"--a dread which the very sight of Melanie's soft but unyielding face dispelled.
4 She knew because she sensed in him something strong, unyielding, implacable--all the qualities she had looked for in Ashley and never found.
5 She felt the demand for standardized behavior coming in waves from all the citizens who sat in their sitting-rooms watching her with respectable eyes, waiting, demanding, unyielding.
6 Against this stern and unyielding morality, supported as it was by such visible policy, there was no appeal.
7 David comprehended the unyielding character of her resolution, by the simple but expressive gesture that accompanied her words.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 17 8 The hunter's mind was of a hard, unyielding nature, and the predominant idea of revenge had taken such complete possession of it that there was no room for any other emotion.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER V. THE AVENGING ANGELS 9 The pause was filled up by the intonation of a pollard thorn a little way to windward, the breezes filtering through its unyielding twigs as through a strainer.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 1: 9 Love Leads a Shrewd Man into Strategy 10 She was always ready to forgive if asked to do so; but I seemed to her to be as an obstinate child, and that made her unyielding.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 5: 1 "Wherefore Is Light Given to Him That Is in Misery" 11 My dear," said he, "heaven has endowed you with a heart more unyielding than woman ever yet had.
12 All that I had ever seen in him of an unyielding, wilful spirit, I saw in her.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 32. THE BEGINNING OF A LONG JOURNEY 13 But I understood: there was a quiver of something different in her voice, not abrupt, harsh and unyielding as before, but something soft and shamefaced, so shamefaced that I suddenly felt ashamed and guilty.
14 Please don't ask for names, but do stop making these mistakes of yours, stop being so unyielding, there's nothing you can do to defend yourself from this court, you have to confess.