1 A Mini is a car that is bandy and urbane, which is to say, good on gas and easy to park.
2 The charismatic and urbane politician Bo launched a "smash black, sing red" campaign that promoted Chinese communist culture as zealously as it cracked down on organized crime.
3 China's fashion conscious urban young are developing a growing appetite for the cool white look of platinum jewellery.
4 Donna Redmond planted the first seeds of urban farm when she couldn't find fresh produce nearby.
5 Kenneth Cole, the American designer known for his modern, urban aesthetic, is hawking $35 T-shirts.
6 Worker mobility also appears to be constrained by rapid urbanization which has resulted in exorbitant urban housing prices and rents.
7 He said that at least 10 rebels were killed and more than 30 wounded in fierce urban warfare.
8 In the last few months, the big cats have increasingly emerged from the forest and into the urban jungle, killing twenty-two people including children.
9 A small urban park in the downtown area has been hosting innovative contemporary sculpture installations since 1981.
10 Crack cocaine has had a pernicious effect on urban society: it has destroyed families, turned children into drug dealers, and increased the spread of violent crimes.
11 In the 1960s urban churches suffered from attrition as members moved from the cities to the suburbs.
12 Here many of the skyscrapers are abandoned, leaving squatters, crime and urban decay.
13 Write a report that investigates the impact of the heat island on urban climatic conditions and the potential for larger scale or even global impacts.
14 The transition from a rural agrarian to an urban lifestyle merits applying the term revolutionary to the process of industrialization.
15 He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth.