1 At one end of the trench, steps were cut out and these formed the entrance and vestibule.
2 Having released Mavrushka, Natasha crossed the dancing hall and went to the vestibule.
3 They were quietly dropping melted wax into snow and looking at the shadows the wax figures would throw on the wall, when they heard the steps and voices of new arrivals in the vestibule.
4 Hussars, ladies, witches, clowns, and bears, after clearing their throats and wiping the hoarfrost from their faces in the vestibule, came into the ballroom where candles were hurriedly lighted.
5 They drove up to the gloomy old house on the Vozdvizhenka and entered the vestibule.
6 Joseph, his valet, handed him his sabretache and saber, and they all went out into the vestibule.
7 Gerasim and the porter, who had followed Makar Alexeevich, stopped him in the vestibule and tried to take the pistol from him.
8 The vestibule was filled with the discordant sounds of a struggle and of a tipsy, hoarse voice.
9 Suddenly a fresh sound, a piercing feminine scream, reverberated from the porch and the cook came running into the vestibule.
10 On reaching the vestibule Natasha saw a tall figure in a fur coat unwinding his scarf.
11 She revolted from the complacent ugliness of Mrs. Peniston's black walnut, from the slippery gloss of the vestibule tiles, and the mingled odour of sapolio and furniture-polish that met her at the door.
12 A few sumptuously-cloaked ladies were already gathered in the marble vestibule, and in the coat-room he found Van Alstyne and Gus Trenor.
13 Ten minutes later the two men passed out together between the gold-laced custodians of the threshold; but in the vestibule Stepney drew up with a last flare of reluctance.
14 He must have felt guilty, everybody agreed, for as the train left town, a farmer saw him standing in the vestibule and looking out.
15 She squeezed Carol's hand, said something unintelligible, stumbled up into the vestibule.