VOCATIONAL in a Sentence

Learn VOCATIONAL from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

29 example sentences for VOCATIONAL, such as:

1. I go to a vocational school.
2. He answered, to go to sea again, in his old vocation.
3. The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills.
4. Every weekend he went to a vocational school to learn computer.
5. Our gracious sovereign recognizes his high vocation and will be true to it.

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 Meanings and Examples of VOCATIONAL
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  of a vocation or occupation; providing a special skill rather than academic knowledge
Classic Sentence: (23 in 2 pages)
1  The rule of the Perpetual Adoration is so rigid in its nature that it alarms, vocations recoil before it, the order receives no recruits.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor Hugo
2  The unique exhibition which you gave of your pupils engaged in their industrial vocations was not only artistic but thoroughly impressive.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter XVII.
3  He answered, to go to sea again, in his old vocation.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 12. Biographical.
4  Freely depicted in his own vocation, gentlemen, the Canaller would make a fine dramatic hero, so abundantly and picturesquely wicked is he.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 54. The Town-Ho's Story.
5  Elsewhere in this volume the slanderous aspersion has been disproved, that the vocation of whaling is throughout a slatternly, untidy business.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 92. Ambergris.
6  Be it said, that in this vocation of whaling, sinecures are unknown; dignity and danger go hand in hand; till you get to be Captain, the higher you rise the harder you toil.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 110. Queequeg in His Coffin.
7  What with women and wine and the excitement of his vocation, a man could afford to rest now and then.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 17
8  David smiled sadly, though not without a momentary gleam of pleasure, at this allusion to his beloved vocation.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 9
9  Deeply regretting this weakness on the part of a sister muse, we shall at once retire from her sacred precincts, within the proper limits of our own humble vocation.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 18
10  In fact, Sam considered oratory as his vocation, and never let slip an opportunity of magnifying his office.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VIII
11  "Sluggard"--why, it is a calling and vocation, it is a career.
Notes from the Underground By Feodor Dostoevsky
Context  Highlight   In PART 1: VI
12  To be an enthusiast had become her social vocation and, sometimes even when she did not feel like it, she became enthusiastic in order not to disappoint the expectations of those who knew her.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER I
13  Our gracious sovereign recognizes his high vocation and will be true to it.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER I
14  "My vocation is a different one," thought Princess Mary.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER V
15  My vocation is to be happy with another kind of happiness, the happiness of love and self-sacrifice.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER V
Example Sentence:
1  I go to a vocational school.
2  The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills.
3  Every weekend he went to a vocational school to learn computer.
4  Sure of his priestly vocation, Terrence planned to pursue his theological training at the local Roman Catholic seminary.
5  This huge tax refund is quite a windfall; we will go vocation by this money.
6  Diana was a young mission school teacher convinced of her vocation to provide support for her schoolgirl pupils.