1 Can't no Democrat in this state vote if he was on the tax books for more than two thousand dollars in 'sixty-five.'
2 Can't nobody vote who was a colonel and over in the war and, Miss Scarlett, I bet this state's got more colonels than any state in the Confederacy.
3 And can't nobody vote who held office under the Confederate government and that lets out everybody from the notaries to the judges, and the woods are full of folks like that.
4 Fact is, the way the Yankees have framed up that amnesty oath, can't nobody who was somebody before the war vote at all.
5 Now the Yankees are talking about letting the darkies vote.
6 And if they give the negroes the vote, it's the end of us.
7 The negroes had not yet been given the right to vote but the North was determined that they should vote and equally determined that their vote should be friendly to the North.
8 Just as soon as you can vote the Republican ticket, you are going to have the white man's property.
9 The vote must be given to them but it must be denied to most of their former owners.
10 Anthony, that women should have the vote.
11 And Kells Whiting was cleaning up money with his hair straightener, because he told the negroes they wouldn't ever be permitted to vote the Republican ticket if they had kinky hair.
12 "It's the amendment letting the darkies vote, you know," he explained.
13 The North was determined to force the negro vote on the state and, to this end, Georgia had been declared in rebellion and put under the strictest martial law.
14 If they've got to vote ten thousand dead men like the Yankees did, every corpse in every cemetery in Georgia will be at the polls.
15 The best of schools and lodgings and clothes and amusements, for they were the power in politics and every negro vote counted.