1 Pierre proposed going to his estates in the south and there attending to the welfare of his serfs.
2 He saw in him a remarkable, clear-thinking man of vast intellect who by his energy and persistence had attained power, which he was using solely for the welfare of Russia.
3 "I can always sacrifice my feelings for my family's welfare," he said to himself, "but I can't coerce my feelings."
4 Prince Andrew was in command of a regiment, and the management of that regiment, the welfare of the men and the necessity of receiving and giving orders, engrossed him.
5 Denisov, having given his name, announced that he had to communicate to his Serene Highness a matter of great importance for their country's welfare.
6 This idea is le bien public, the hypothetical welfare of other people.
7 To a man not swayed by passion that welfare is never certain, but he who commits such a crime always knows just where that welfare lies.
8 the public welfare, thought he.
9 It will take care of you, of your needs, and of your welfare.
10 He regarded all these occupations as hindrances to life, and considered that they were all contemptible because their aim was the welfare of himself and his family.
11 Perhaps it need not be done so pedantically, thought Nicholas, or even done at all, but this untiring, continual spiritual effort of which the sole aim was the children's moral welfare delighted him.
12 And corresponding to the event its justification appears in people's belief that this was necessary for the welfare of France, for liberty, and for equality.
13 Always remember, dear," Ellen had said, "you are responsible for the moral as well as the physical welfare of the darkies God has intrusted to your care.
14 I have no intention of discussing your soul's welfare any further.
15 All this profit-sharing and welfare work and insurance and old-age pension is simply poppycock.