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 Test Questions
Word Frequency: from 5K to 6K
defiance     Speak
Select answer:
refusal to yield; readiness to contend or resist
a herder of sheep; someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock
a lot of disagreement or argument about something
a person who delivers a sermon publicly
street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate
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vicinity     Speak
Select answer:
any system of lines or channels crossing like the fabric of a net; complex, interconnected group or system
breaking of contract or duty
authority; right and power to interpret and apply the law
state of being near in space or relationship; proximity
hold fast or firmly; seize as in a wrestling match
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rod     Speak
Select answer:
authorized messenger or representative
stick; a long thin implement made of metal or wood
link; connection; uniting force or tie; binding agreement; duty
one who performs manual operations on a patient
grassland, usually tended or mowed; meadow
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fertile     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
complicated in structure; a whole structure, as a building, made up of interconnected or related structures
along or by the side; side by side with
final; being the last or concluding; fundamental; elemental; extreme
rich; fruitful; inventive; creative; intellectually productive
unforgettable; worthy to be remembered; very important or remarkable
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utterance     Speak
Select answer:
a message transmitted by telegraph
the act of taking something from someone unlawfully
violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence; willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidy
aide or servant; someone whose job is to help others in a particular situation
vocal expression; power of speaking; last or utmost extremity
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vexed     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable
troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances; causing difficulty in finding an answer or solution; much disputed
horrible; inspiring shock; extremely unpleasant or bad
capable of providing a correct reading or measurement
recklessly; done without care or attention; inattentively
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propriety     Speak
Select answer:
fitness; correct conduct; quality of being proper; appropriateness
a nearby object of the same kind, a person living near or next door
raid or attack, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer
act or practice of admitting; power or permission to enter
gladness and gaiety, especially when expressed by laughter
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treachery     Speak
Select answer:
male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse
violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence; willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidy
flat surface on which money is counted, business is transacted; one that is an opposite
person who freely performs or offers to perform a service
help and advice about how to do something
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survey     Speak
Select answer:
tavern consisting of a building with a bar and public rooms; often provides light meals
poll; detailed critical inspection
used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement
discussion; dispute; discussion involving opposing points
one who keeps or attends a flour mill or gristmill; milling machine
Don't select.
pleasantly     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
morally justified; equitable; free from wrong, guilt, or sin
generalized feeling of distress
in a cheerful manner
loaded; freighted; oppressed or burdened
overwhelming; impossible to refuse or oppose because it is too pleasant and charming
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split     Speak
Select answer:
cover from sight
not allow; prohibit; prevent
engage for service under a term of contract
break apart; cut; devide
decide upon or fix definitely
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prompt     Speak
Select answer:
be agitated; pass from a liquid to vapor when heated; be excited with passion; heat in water
march in a procession
appeal or request earnestly; enter a plea; offer as an excuse
get lost, as without warning or explanation
move to act; incite; give rise to; assist with a reminder
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expensive     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
high in price or charging high prices; costing a lot of money
given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol
represented as greater than is true or reasonable
difficult to analyze or understand
having or involving sex
Don't select.
grip     Speak
Select answer:
model; sample; an example regarded as typical of its class
short trip taken to perform a specified task; mission; embassy
any article of clothing, as coat or gown
a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables
hold fast or firmly; seize as in a wrestling match
Don't select.
ambassador     Speak
Select answer:
plea; formal message requesting something
teeth of elephant; pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white
authorized messenger or representative
beating or pounding; set of guns or heavy artillery; dry cell that produces electric current
faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances
Don't select.
massive     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
enormous; colossal; consisting of great mass; containing a great quantity of matter
likely to develop in a desirable manner; affording hope
somewhat old; advanced beyond middle age
clever; having inventive or cunning mind
neighboring; being in contact at some point or line; joining to
Don't select.
compliments     Speak
Select answer:
throw with violence or haste; break, as by throwing or by collision; form or sketch rapidly
place in front of, or over against; set opposite; exhibit; confront; resist; withstand
be enough, or sufficient; meet the need; be equal to the end proposed; be adequate; satisfy
become rosy or reddish; turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame
say something to someone that expresses praise
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telegraph     Speak
Select answer:
a flat, usually rectangular, container for a letter or thin package
the power to use something or someone
an abrupt excited utterance
the body of faculty and students at a university
a method of sending and receiving messages by electrical or radio signals
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jurisdiction     Speak
Select answer:
a group of members who join together because they have the same interest; association or union
teeth of elephant; pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white
one of a number of lines diverging from a point; a line of light or heat proceeding from a point
authority; right and power to interpret and apply the law
light in a transparent protective case
Don't select.
shepherd     Speak
Select answer:
a herder of sheep; someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock
the mother of your father or mother
performance of music by players or singers
authorized messenger or representative
sound reflected from an opposing surface and repeated to the ear; repetition of a sound
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