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 Test Questions
Word Frequency: from 7K to 8K
irony     Speak
Select answer:
identification mark on skin, made by burning
a party of persons having a common end in view
a person authorized to conduct religious worship
what person deserves with regard to reward or more usually punishment;
expression by deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning; witty language used to insult
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injure     Speak
Select answer:
harbor; treasure; treat with affection and tenderness; hold dear
draw a line under a word
write or create by putting together parts or elements
refuse to submit to or cooperate with; be unaffected by; resist or withstand
do harm to; inflict damage; do injustice to
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yacht     Speak
Select answer:
scornful treatment; insulting speech or conduct
something that encircles like a belt; zodiac, also, the equator; circumference
light ship used for private pleasure trips
ending; act of abolishing; act of doing away with
achievement or fulfillment; something that is successful after a lot of work or effort
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boyhood     Speak
Select answer:
state of being secret or concealed
a thief who steals from someone by threatening violence
the childhood of a boy
the state of being extremely tired
blessing; benefit bestowed, especially in response to a request
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reckoning     Speak
Select answer:
very strong thick rope made of twisted steel or metal wire
problem solving that involves numbers or quantities
a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
pain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal sphincter
manner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving; walk; rate of moving
Don't select.
entreat     Speak
Select answer:
plead; make earnest request of; ask for earnestly
clip; cut down to the desired size or shape
urge to an unnatural speed
express or indicate indirectly; signify
wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner
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parade     Speak
Select answer:
growth; extent or amount by which something has expanded
state or relation of being or associate; companionship of persons on equal and friendly terms; state of being together
act of controlling or directing according to rule; prescribed by or according to rule
goodness, kindness; virtue; liberality in giving
march in a procession; ceremonial procession; visible display
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spray     Speak
Select answer:
danger; a threat or the act of threatening; something that is a source of danger; threaten; intimidate
sense of touch; feeling; stroke in beating time; sensitive mental touch; peculiar skill or faculty
place; district; surrounding or nearby region; particular neighborhood
liquid that is blown or driven through the air in the form of tiny drops
worthless material that is to be disposed of
Don't select.
improbable     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
unlikely; impossible; not likely to be true
heard or perceptible by the ear
arising from or marked by despair or loss of hope
fantastic; comically hideous; unnatural in shape or size; abnormal
fast; rapid; accomplished or arrived at without delay; prompt
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resource     Speak
Select answer:
capacity to attract intense interest
a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
extent; greatness of rank, size, or position
any furniture old and valuable; out of fashion
materials; abilities; available source
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procedure     Speak
Select answer:
someone who creates new things
state of disorder involving group violence; rebellion
the state of being extremely tired
act or manner of moving forward; steps taken in an action
march in a procession; ceremonial procession; visible display
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resident     Speak
Select answer:
one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the tv
device for converting sound waves into electrical energy
a promise that something will be done, will happen, or is true
living quarters provided for public convenience; something that meets a need; convenience
a person who lives or has home in a place; dweller
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vexation     Speak
Select answer:
remainder; small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
fighting; acts of overt warfare
progress; promotion; forward step; improvement
sense of touch; feeling; stroke in beating time; sensitive mental touch; peculiar skill or faculty
act of vexing, or state of being vexed; agitation; disquiet; trouble; irritation
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witty     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
very clever and humorous
small in quantity; being of delicate or slender build
separately; individually; in the order given
open to or abounding in fresh air
extremely desirous, feeling a need or desire to drink
Don't select.
outcome     Speak
Select answer:
a set of clothing, often with accessories; a set of tools or equipment for a specialized purpose
result; end or consequence; result of a random trial
boy or young man; waiter; servant; man recently married, or about to be married; bridegroom
state of being confined; restraint within limits; any restraint of liberty by force
a small replica of a person; used as a toy
Don't select.
veteran     Speak
Select answer:
boy or young man; waiter; servant; man recently married, or about to be married; bridegroom
a yellow, oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant, acidic juice
artist who composes or conducts music as a profession
the lawyers acting for the state to put the case against the defendant
someone who has given long service
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accidentally     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light
intended or appropriate for defending against; protective
unreasonably burdensome; unjustly severe, rigorous, or harsh
uninterrupted; unceasing; continuing without interruption
inadvertently; by chance; casually; fortuitously; not essentially or intrinsically
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quiver     Speak
Select answer:
lay legal claim to
shake with slight, rapid, tremulous movement
find the answer; clear up; explain
attack from all sides; trouble persistently; hem in
cause to seem small; check natural growth or development of
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doubly     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
to double the degree
without interruption
showing firm determination or purpose; with firmness
situated at or toward the bow of a vessel
informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
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lament     Speak
Select answer:
terminate; make a break in
grieve; express sorrow; regret deeply
guide; give individual instruction
license; authorize; hold under a lease or rental agreement of goods and services
declare; announce
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