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GRE Vocabulary: Level 1
amnesia     Speak
Select answer:
search without warning; surprise attack by a small armed force
model; sample; an example regarded as typical of its class
hot liquid rock from a volcano that becomes solid as it cools
partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock or illness
a kind of dagger or poniard
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barb     Speak
Select answer:
condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; deficiency of red blood cells; lack of vitality
hole; cavern; hollow area within the body
element in a mixture or compound
deep, inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering; deep distress or misery, as from grief
sharp projection from fishhook; openly cutting remark
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carve     Speak
Select answer:
make something by cutting into especially wood or stone; sculpt
give to understand; imply or hint; state or make known
rub letters or characters written, engraved, or painted
enlist; register formally as a participant; engage in military service
give or restore confidence in; cause to feel sure or certain
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crook     Speak
Select answer:
bend, turn, or curve; curvature; flexure
move off; move or stir slightly; alter a position or attitude
induce; be greater in strength or influence; triumph; win out
spoil or damage; impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of
drill; make a hole in or through, with or as if with a drill
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dose     Speak
Select answer:
money risked on a gamble; pole set up to mark something; right or legal share of something
quantity of medicine given; sufficient quantity; portion
fertile or green spot in a waste or desert
long, narrow upper section or crest; a chain of hills or mountains
withdrawing or retiring; moving back; retreat; state of being withdrawn; seclusion
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equivalent     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
absorbed in thought; engrossed; excessively concerned with something; formerly occupied
drunk or intoxicated; exhausted or worn out
belonging to an early stage; simple or naive in style; primeval
interchangeable; comparable; equal, as in value, force, or meaning
occurring or developing later than desired or expected; delayed
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flare     Speak
Select answer:
throw with great force; cast; toss
avoid a blow by moving or shifting quickly aside; a shifty or ingenious trick
suddenly outburst; glare; shine with sudden light
stop; stand in doubt; hesitate
appeal or request earnestly; enter a plea; offer as an excuse
Don't select.
havoc     Speak
Select answer:
written agreement between two states or sovereigns; treaty
one that takes position of another; substitute
wide and general destruction; devastation; waste
written order to require appearance in court to give testimony
sign or memorial of victory raised on the field of battle; any evidence or memorial of victory or conquest
Don't select.
incentive     Speak
Select answer:
outline; a biographical sketch
something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward
imitation; counterfeit; having a false or misleading appearance
a tract of low or level land producing grass; any field on which grass is grown for hay
quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness
Don't select.
jade     Speak
Select answer:
proverb; formulation of fundamental principle or general truth
lack of enthusiasm; skeptical caution; something saved for future use; self-restraint in expression
stone, commonly of a pale to dark green color but sometimes whitish
a medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body or draw them from the body
large weapons, such as cannon and missile launchers operated by crews; army branch in use of large weapons
Don't select.
mansion     Speak
Select answer:
a place where a river can be crossed on foot; shallow place
dwelling-house of the better class; a large or stately residence
place or condition suggestive of hell, especially for human suffering or death
obstacle; structure built to bar passage; boundary or limit
something given as security for a loan; pledge or guaranty; article deposited as security
Don't select.
motivation     Speak
Select answer:
large room used mainly for dancing
incentive; psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal
ghostly beings that suck the blood of the living; person, such as extortionist, who preys upon others
feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented; worry; annoyance; anxiety.
sofa; arrange or dispose as in a bed
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pending     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
having no name; having an unknown or unacknowledged name
having a buoyant or self-confident air; briskly cheerful; lively or enthusiastic
being in a healthy condition; acting rationally; mentally sound
like a brute; savage; cruel; inhuman; merciless
not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation
Don't select.
pine     Speak
Select answer:
have a desire for something or someone; yearn; grieve or mourn for
ask with earnestness or importunity; ask with submission or humility; beg
plant or infix, for the purpose of growth; fix deeply; introduce
provide an extensive explanation for words or phrases
be unfaithful; reveal unconsciously or unwillingly
Don't select.
randy     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
famous; celebrated for great achievements, for distinguished qualities
extraordinary; unusual; well above average
lively or energetic; rapid and without delay
excellent; flawless; acutely perceptive or discriminating
sexually aroused; full of sexual lust; rude or coarse in manner
Don't select.
scared     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
containing only an outline or rough form; being in the manner of a sketch; incomplete
pertaining to, or caused by, ecstasy or excessive emotion
having fear; afraid, frightened
crushing, also, slashing; dashing; wonderful, very good or impressive
of excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; characterized by pomp or stately display; ceremonious
Don't select.
slay     Speak
Select answer:
put to death with a weapon, or by violence; kill; put an end to; destroy; overwhelm, as with laughter or love
exchange; put in the place of another
justify; authorize; guarantee, or attest to the quality
work to exhaustion; toil; exhaust; weary
eradicate; abolish; rule out
Don't select.
stab     Speak
Select answer:
put an abrupt end to; block to prevent rolling or slipping
license; authorize; hold under a lease or rental agreement of goods and services
hide or store away in a secret place
toss or throw smartly out of hand; make noise or call, as a hen calls her chickens
pierce with a pointed weapon; wound or kill by a pointed instrument
Don't select.
table     Speak
Select answer:
confirm; prove the truth by a presentation of evidence or testimony
bring into or return to a suitable condition for use; claim back; make useful again
tempt; entice; lead away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct
diminish; undermine the foundations; dig
set resolution or proposal for future consideration; hold back to a later time
Don't select.
warrant     Speak
Select answer:
compose, perform, or do something with little or no preparation
touch; feel with the hand; use or hold with the hand; manage in using; deal with
justify; authorize; guarantee, or attest to the quality
hide or store away in a secret place
trespass; enter as an uninvited person
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