acquisition | n. Syn. acquirement; attainment (mua) act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something |
adolescent | n. (vị thành niên) a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity; |
adverse | a. Syn. unfavorable; hostile (bất lợi) in opposing direction; harmful or unfavorable; acting or serving to oppose |
aesthetic | a. Syn. artistic; elegant (thẩm mỹ) elegant or tasteful; of or concerning appreciation of beauty or good taste |
affiliate | v. Syn. associate; incorporate (liên kết) associate; incorporate |
afflict | v. Syn. plague; suffer; torment (ức hiếp) cause pain, suffering or distress |
aggravate | v. Syn. worsen; exacerbate (nặng) worsen; make worse or more troublesome |
agitation | n. Syn. anxiety; disturbance (kích động) anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance |
alleviate | v. Syn. relieve; moderate; reduce (giảm) provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part |
amends | n. (sửa đổi) compensation for a loss or injury; recompense; reparation |
anonymous | a. Syn. unknown; nameless (vô danh) having no name; having unknown or unacknowledged name |
appraisal | n. Syn. assessment; evaluation (thẩm định) assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth |
articulate | a. Syn. effective; distinct (rõ) expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language |
ascertain | v. Syn. discover; insure (xác định) find out for certain; discover with certainty; make sure of |
ascribe | v. Syn. refer; attribute; assign (gán) inscribe or dedicate; attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; assign as a quality |
assault | n. Syn. attack; onslaught (tấn công) attack; onslaught |
assert | v. Syn. declare (khẳng định) declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly |
asset | n. Syn. properties; advantage (tài sản) properties; advantage; useful or valuable quality |
assimilate | v. Syn. absorb (đồng hóa) incorporate and absorb into mind; make similar; cause to resemble |
attorney | n. Syn. lawyer (luật sư) lawyer; one who is appointed by another to act in his place or stead; proxy |
augment | v. Syn. increase (tăng) make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity |
authentic | a. Syn. genuine; real; valid; trustworthy (xác thực) not counterfeit or copied; valid; trustworthy |
avail | v. Syn. profit; promote (tận) turn to advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote |
avert | v. Syn. prevent (tránh) prevent; turn or cause to turn off or away |
baffle | v. Syn. frustrate; perplex (vách ngăn) frustrate as by confusing or perplexing; impede force or movement of |
barren | a. Syn. desolate (cằn cỗi) desolate; fruitless and unproductive; lacking |
batch | n. (hàng loạt) quantity of bread baked at one time; a collection of things or persons to be handled together |
bizarre | a. Syn. fantastic (kỳ dị) fantastic; violently contrasting; strangely unconventional in style or appearance |
bleak | a. Syn. cold; cheerless (ảm đạm) cold or cheerless; unlikely to be favorable |
blunder | n. Syn. error (sai lầm) serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion |
blunt | a. Syn. insensitive (cùn) having a dull edge or end; not sharp; lacking in feeling; insensitive |
bonus | n. (thưởng) an extra dividend to the shareholders; money paid in addition to a stated compensation |
brace | n. (nẹp) something which holds anything tightly or supports it firmly, as bandage, cord, or rod; |
brittle | a. (giòn) easily broken; having little elasticity |
capsule | n. Syn. pill (viên nang) small container; pill in form of small rounded gelatinous; shortened version of a written work |
casualty | n. (nạn nhân) serious or fatal accident; someone injured or killed in an accident |
ceramic | a. (gốm) of or pertaining to pottery; relating to the art of making earthenware; as, ceramic products; ceramic ornaments for ceilings. |
cereal | n. (ngũ cốc) grass such as wheat, oats, or corn, the starchy grains of which are used as food. |
commentary | n. (bình luận) written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material |
commitment | n. (cam kết) pledge, undertaking; act of binding yourself to a course of action |
commute | v. (đi lại) obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; travel regularly from a place of residence to another place |
compatible | a. Syn. harmonious (tương thích) harmonious; having similar disposition and tastes |
competence | n. (thẩm quyền) quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually |
compile | v. Syn. assemble; gather; accumulate (biên dịch) put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources |
compulsory | a. Syn. mandatory; obligatory (bắt buộc) mandatory; obligatory; required by rule |
concede | v. Syn. admit; yield (thừa nhận) admit; yield; give up physical control of another |
conceive | v. Syn. design; consider (thụ thai) form or develop in the mind; devise; become pregnant with; begin or originate in a specific way |
concession | n. (nhượng) act of yielding; point yielded; acknowledgment or admission |
concise | a. Syn. succinct; terse (súc tích) brief and compact; expressing much in few words |
confer | v. (tặng) bestow; present; have a conference in order to talk something over |
configuration | n. (cấu hình) arrangement of parts or elements; outline |
conform | v. (phù hợp) comply with; follow; fit; meet |
confusion | n. (lẫn lộn) mistake that results from taking one thing to be another; lack of clarity or order |
consecutive | a. Syn. successive; sequential (liên tiếp) following one after another without interruption; sequential |
consensus | n. Syn. Agreement; accord (nhất trí) general agreement or accord; opinion reached by a group as a whole |
conserve | v. Syn. retain; preserve (bảo tồn) retain; protect from loss or harm; preserve; use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste |
conspicuous | a. Syn. noticeable; prominent (dễ thấy) noticeable; prominent; easy to notice; obvious |
constituent | n. Syn. component; element; ingredient (thành phần) component or part; citizen, voter |
constrain | v. Syn. restrain; confine (hạn chế) restrain; keep within close bounds; confine |
consultant | n. (Tư vấn) an expert who gives advice |
contaminate | v. Syn. taint; pollute; defile (ô nhiễm) make impure or unclean by contact or mixture; pollute; defile |
contemplate | v. Syn. ponder; meditate (chiêm ngưỡng) look at attentively and thoughtfully; observe deep in thought |
contempt | n. Syn. disgrace (khinh) state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace; disobedience to, or open disrespect of |
contend | v. (tranh) strive in opposition; contest; dispute; struggle for |
contradict | v. Syn. confront; oppose (mâu thuẫn) confront; oppose |
contrive | v. (mưu) form by an exercise of ingenuity; devise; invent; design |
controversial | a. Syn. controvertible; disputable (cãi) controvertible; disputable |
controversy | n. Syn. contention; argument (cãi) contentious speech act; argument |
converge | v. Syn. approach (hội tụ) approach; tend to meet; come together |
convict | v. (tội phạm) find or declare guilty |
cordial | a. Syn. gracious (thân mật) gracious; showing warm and friendliness |
corps | n. (đoàn) an army unit usually consisting of two or more divisions; a body of people associated together |
corrode | v. (gặm mòn) destroy metal or alloy gradually, especially by chemical action; be eaten or worn away |
corrupt | a. Syn. spoiled; tainted (hỏng) changed from sound to putrid state; spoiled; tainted |
costume | n. Syn. dress; attire (trang phục) dress; attire; aset of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season |
courtesy | n. (lịch sự) polite behavior; act of civility or respect; consent or agreement in spite of fact |
cripple | n. Syn. handicap; maim; disable (tàn tật) person or animal that is partially disabled or unable to use a limb or limb |
criterion | n. (tiêu chuẩn) standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test |
crucial | a. (quan trọng) of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis; of the greatest importance |
culminate | v. (gai góc) reach the highest or most decisive point; rise to summit |
cumulative | a. (tích lũy) increasing by successive addition |
curb | v. (lề đường) bend or curve; guide and manage, or restrain |
curt | a. (curt) having been shortened; effectively cut short; rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner |
cynical | a. (hoài nghi) skeptical of motives of others; selfishly calculating; negative or pessimistic |
deficit | n. Syn. shortfall; shortage (thâm hụt) inadequacy or insufficiency; sum of money falls short of required amount; shortage |
degenerate | v. Syn. deteriorate (thoái hóa) become worse; decline; fall |
deliberate | v. Syn. consider; ponder (chủ ý) consider; think about carefully; weigh |
denote | v. Syn. signify; indicate; show (biểu thị) indicate; signify directly; refer to specifically |
denounce | v. Syn. condemn; criticize; announce (tố cáo) condemn openly; criticize; make known in formal manner |
depict | v. Syn. portray; describe (miêu tả) represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe |
designate | v. Syn. nominate; assign; name (chỉ định) indicate or specify; point out; assign a name or title to |
despise | v. (khinh) dislike intensely; regard with contempt or scorn |
deteriorate | v. Syn. decline (xấu) become worse; decline |
diffuse | v. (khuếch tán) spread out widely; scatter freely; pour out and cause to spread freely |
dilemma | n. Syn. predicament (tiến thoái lưỡng nan) predicament; state of uncertainty or between equally unfavorable options |
dilute | v. Syn. weaken; attenuate (pha loãng) weaken; make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water |
discern | v. Syn. detect; perceive (phân biệt) detect; perceive |
discrepancy | n. Syn. difference (khác biệt) lack of consistency; difference |
discrete | a. Syn. separate; distinct (rời rạc) separate; consisting of unconnected distinct parts |
disguise | n. (cải trang) dress or exterior put on for purposes of concealment or of deception |
dismay | v. Syn. discourage; frighten (mất tinh thần) destroy courage or resolution by exciting dread; cause to lose enthusiasm |
dispatch | n. Syn. expedition; sending off (văn) act of sending off something; property of being prompt and efficient; message usually sent in haste |
disperse | v. Syn. scatter (giải tán) move away from each other; cause to separate; cause to become widely known |
disposition | n. Syn. temperament; nature; tendency (đoạt) natural or acquired habit with tendency; act or means of getting rid of something |
disrupt | v. Syn. upset; interrupt (phá rối) upset; throw into confusion or disorder |
dissipate | v. Syn. waste; scatter (tiêu tan) spend or expend wastefully; vanish by dispersion; drive away; disperse |
distil | v. (chưng cất) drop; fall in drops; flow in a small stream |
disturbance | n. Syn. disorder; turmoil (xáo trộn) disorder; turmoil; mental or emotional unbalance or disorder |
divine | v. (thần thánh) perceive intuitively; foresee future; have nature of or being a deity |
drastic | a. Syn. radical; severe (quyết liệt) radical; taking effect violently or rapidly |
dubious | a. Syn. questionable (mơ hồ) questionable; filled with doubt |
dwell | v. Syn. reside; inhabit (ngự) live as a resident; exist in a given place or state |
eccentric | a. Syn. irregular; odd; whimsical; bizarre (lập dị) departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern |
edible | a. Syn. eatable (ăn) eatable; substance that can be used as food |
ego | n. (ngã) self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves; exaggerated sense of self-importance |
elicit | v. Syn. provoke (gợi) draw out; bring forth or to light; generate or provoke as response or answer |
elite | n. (tầng lớp) a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status |
eloquent | a. Syn. expressive; persuasive (hùng hồn) vividly or movingly expressive; persuasive |
embark | v. Syn. commence (bắt tay) commence; go on board a boat or airplane; begin a journey |
empirical | a. (thực nghiệm) derived from experiment and observation rather than theory |
endow | v. Syn. grant; award (ưu đai) grant; award; give qualities or abilities to |
enhance | v. Syn. increase; improve (nâng cao) make better or more attractive; increase; improve |
ensue | v. Syn. follow (xảy) pursue; follow or come afterward; follow as a consequence |
entail | v. Syn. require; necessitate; involve (kéo theo) imply or require; cause to ensue or accrue; cut or carve in ornamental way |
entity | n. (thực thể) real being; something that exists as a particular and discrete unit; fact of existence |
entrepreneur | n. Syn. businessperson; enterprise (doanh nhân) person who organizes and operates a business; contractor |
envisage | v. (dự tính) look in the face of; apprehend; consider or regard in a certain way |
epoch | n. Syn. era (kỷ nguyên) particular period of history, especially one considered remarkable |
equilibrium | n. Syn. balance (cân bằng) mental or emotional balance; state of balance of any causes, powers, or motives |
erosion | n. Syn. corrosion (xói mòn) corrosion; a gradual decline of something |
erroneous | a. Syn. mistaken; wrong (sai lầm) containing or derived from error; mistaken |
escort | n. (hộ tống) one who conducts someone as attendant; guard; protection, care, or safeguard on a journey |
essence | n. (bản chất) most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience |
ethics | n. Syn. morals; principles (đạo đức) morals; study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct. |
ethnic | a. Syn. racial (dân tộc) relating to races; group of people sharing common racial, national, or religious heritage |
evoke | v. Syn. bring out; arouse (gợi) bring out; arouse; call forth |
exemplify | v. Syn. embody (hình mẫu) serve as an example of; embody |
exempt | a. (miễn) not subject to duty or obligation; not subject to taxation |
exotic | a. Syn. strange (lạ) from another part of the world; foreign; strikingly strange or unusual |
expertise | n. Syn. skill (chuyên môn) specialized knowledge; expert skill |
explicit | a. Syn. definite; outspoken (rõ ràng) precisely and clearly expressed; definite; outspoken |
exposition | n. (trình bày) exhibition; part of a play that provides the background information; opening section of a fugue |
exquisite | a. Syn. excellent; flawless (tinh tế) excellent; flawless; acutely perceptive or discriminating |
extinct | a. Syn. nonexistent; vanished; dead (tuyệt chủng) no longer existing or living; vanished; dead |
extinguish | v. (dập tắt) quench; put out, as a light or fire; cause to die out; put an end to; destroy |
fabricate | v. Syn. build (chế tạo) build; put together out of components or parts |
facet | n. Syn. side (mặt) small, smooth, flat surface, as on a bone or tooth; side; a smooth surface |
facilitate | v. Syn. promote; expedite (tạo điều kiện) help bring about; make less difficult |
feeble | a. Syn. weak; frail (yếu ớt) lacking vigor, force, or effectiveness; faint; frail |
flap | n. (nắp) flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side; act of waving or fluttering; blow given with something flat; slap |
fling | v. Syn. discard (fling) throw with force or recklessness; throw or cast away; move in an abrupt |
fluctuate | v. Syn. waver; shift (biến động) rise and fall in or as if in waves; shift; vary irregularly |
flutter | v. (rung) vibrate or move quickly; drive in disorder; throw into confusion; wave or flap rapidly in an irregular manner |
foam | n. (bọt) white substance, consisting of an aggregation of bubbles, which is formed on the surface of liquids |
foil | v. Syn. hinder (lá) prevent from being successful |
formidable | a. Syn. menacing; threatening (ghê gớm) arousing fear; threatening; difficult to undertake or defeat |
formulate | v. Syn. policy; theory (Xây dựng) decide upon and express in words |
fort | n. Syn. fortress; stronghold (pháo đài) a fortified defensive structure; permanent army post |
fossil | n. Syn. remnant (hóa thạch) remnant; remains of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age |
foster | v. Syn. rear (nuôi) rear; promote the growth of; help develop |
foul | n. Syn. disgusting; filthy (hôi) act that violates of the rules of a sport |
fracture | v. Syn. break; crack (gãy) break into pieces; crack; destroy; violate or abuse |
fraud | n. (gian lận) getting money by lying or cheating; something intended to deceive |
fringe | n. Syn. margin; periphery (rìa) margin; periphery; decorative border of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band |
frustrate | v. Syn. thwart; defeat (frustrate) make null; bring to nothing; prevent from taking effect or attaining fulfillment |
galaxy | n. (thiên hà) large, isolated system of stars, as the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities |
gaol | n. Syn. jail (tù) place of confinement, especially for minor offenses or provisional imprisonment |
garment | n. (may) any article of clothing, as coat or gown |
gear | n. (bánh) toothed machine part, such as a wheel or cylinder, to transmit motion or to change speed or direction |
glide | v. Syn. slide; slip (lướt) slide; move in a smooth, effortless manner |
gloomy | a. Syn. dusky; dim (ảm đạm) imperfectly illuminated; dusky; dim; clouded |
gorgeous | a. Syn. beautiful; magnificent (đẹp) dazzlingly beautiful; magnificent |
gossip | n. Syn. rumor (gossip) rumor; malicious report about other people; light informal conversation for social occasions |
graze | v. Syn. feed (gặm) scrape gently; feed on growing grasses and herbage |
grease | n. (mỡ) oil; fat; state of being covered with unclean things |
grief | n. (đau buồn) pain of mind; mental suffering arising from any cause, as misfortune, loss of friends; sorrow; sadness |
grieve | v. (đau buồn) cause to be sorrowful; distress |
grim | a. (nghiệt ngã) unrelenting; rigid; dismal and gloomy; cold and forbidding |
hamper | v. Syn. obstruct (cản trở) put at disadvantage; prevent progress or free movement of |
hatch | v. Syn. breed (nở) breed; emerge from the egg |
haul | v. Syn. transport; drag (chở) draw slowly or heavily; pull or drag forcibly; shift direction |
haunt | v. Syn. torment; bother; disturb (ám ảnh) be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place; bother; disturb |
heal | v. Syn. cure (lành) cure; make or get healthy again |
heave | v. Syn. lift; raise; hoist; throw (dơ lên) cause to move upward or onward by a lifting effort; lift; raise; hoist; throw |
heir | n. Syn. descendent; offspring (thừa kế) person who inherits some title or office |
heritage | n. Syn. legacy; bequest; tradition (di sản) legacy; something that is passed down from preceding generations; a tradition |
hierarchy | n. Syn. class; order (hệ thống phân cấp) arrangement by rank or standing; series in which each element is graded or ranked |
hinder | v. Syn. stunt; inhibit; hamper; impede (cản trở) put at a disadvantage; tie up; hamper; prevent the progress |
hinge | n. (bản lề) a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other |
hitherto | ad. (cho đến nay) to this place; to a prescribed limit; up to this time; as yet; until now |
homogeneous | a. Syn. uniform; similar (đồng nhất) of the same or similar nature or kind |
hose | n. (vòi) a flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gas |
hover | v. Syn. float; waver; vacillate (di) hang about; wait nearby; remain floating |
humidity | n. Syn. dampness; moisture (ẩm) dampness; moisture |
hurl | v. Syn. throw; cast; toss (quăn) throw with great force; cast; toss |
hypothesis | n. Syn. assumption; theory (giả thuyết) assumption; theory |
hysterical | a. (kích động) marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion; affected, or troubled, with fear or panic |