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v. Syn. relieve; moderate; reduce
(緩和) provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part

Spelling Word: alleviate
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v. Syn. absorb
(同化) incorporate and absorb into mind; make similar; cause to resemble

Spelling Word: assimilate
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a. Syn. fantastic
(奇妙) fantastic; violently contrasting; strangely unconventional in style or appearance

Spelling Word: bizarre
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(保険) serious or fatal accident; someone injured or killed in an accident

Spelling Word: casualty
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(競争) quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually

Spelling Word: competence
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(たくらむ) form by an exercise of ingenuity; devise; invent; design

Spelling Word: contrive
Read [Esc] (7)
v. Syn. approach
(収束) approach; tend to meet; come together

Spelling Word: converge
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v. Syn. grant; award
(与える) grant; award; give qualities or abilities to

Spelling Word: endow
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a. Syn. mistaken; wrong
(誤) containing or derived from error; mistaken

Spelling Word: erroneous
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v. Syn. promote; expedite
(面倒) help bring about; make less difficult

Spelling Word: facilitate