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(vị thành niên) a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity;

Spelling Word: adolescent
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v. Syn. relieve; moderate; reduce
(giảm) provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part

Spelling Word: alleviate
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n. Syn. assessment; evaluation
(thẩm định) assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth

Spelling Word: appraisal
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(hàng loạt) quantity of bread baked at one time; a collection of things or persons to be handled together

Spelling Word: batch
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a. Syn. cold; cheerless
(ảm đạm) cold or cheerless; unlikely to be favorable

Spelling Word: bleak
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a. Syn. mandatory; obligatory
(bắt buộc) mandatory; obligatory; required by rule

Spelling Word: compulsory
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v. Syn. design; consider
(thụ thai) form or develop in the mind; devise; become pregnant with; begin or originate in a specific way

Spelling Word: conceive
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n. Syn. Agreement; accord
(nhất trí) general agreement or accord; opinion reached by a group as a whole

Spelling Word: consensus
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n. Syn. disgrace
(khinh) state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace; disobedience to, or open disrespect of

Spelling Word: contempt
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(gặm mòn) destroy metal or alloy gradually, especially by chemical action; be eaten or worn away

Spelling Word: corrode