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 Group (2) - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. Syn. periodic
(прерывистый) periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals

Spelling Word: intermittent
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(интуиция) immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning

Spelling Word: intuition
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a. Syn. dormant; hidden
(скрытой) present or potential but not evident or active; dormant; hidden

Spelling Word: latent
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v. Syn. dawdle
(задерживаться) be slow in leaving; continue or persist; stay

Spelling Word: linger
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(мужской) of the male sex; not female; having the qualities of a man

Spelling Word: masculine
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(беспорядок) soft semi liquid food; a quantity of food set on a table at one time; provision of food for one meal

Spelling Word: mess
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a. Syn. elliptic
(овальные) elliptic; rounded like an egg

Spelling Word: oval
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(подслушать) hear more of anything than was intended to be heard; hear again

Spelling Word: overhear
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n. Syn. placard
(плакат) sign posted in public place as an advertisement

Spelling Word: poster
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a. Syn. principal; dominant; overpowering
(преобладает) most frequent or common; having superior power and influence

Spelling Word: predominant