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(bảo vệ) one who, or that which, defends or protects; defense; protection

Spelling Word: safeguard
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v. Syn. soak
(bão hòa) soak, fill, or load to capacity; cause to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance

Spelling Word: saturate
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v. Syn. destroy; break up
(vỡ) destroy; break up; break into many pieces

Spelling Word: shatter
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(mỏng) small in quantity; being of delicate or slender build

Spelling Word: slim
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(cướp) grasp or seize hastily, eagerly, or suddenly

Spelling Word: snatch
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a. Syn. excellent; independent
(chủ quyền) having supreme rank or power; self governing; excellent; independent

Spelling Word: sovereign
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a. Syn. dramatic; outstanding; remarkable
(nổi bật) dramatic; outstanding; arresting attention and producing a vivid impression

Spelling Word: striking
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a. Syn. impressionable
(nhạy cảm) easily influenced; having little resistance, as to a disease; receptive to

Spelling Word: susceptible
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n. Syn. subject; motif; topic
(chủ đề) subject of conversation or discussion; topic; essay

Spelling Word: theme
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v. Syn. pull; drag
(kéo) draw or pull behind by a chain or line

Spelling Word: tow