Essay Title: Should countries take steps to protect minority languages?
Keywords or Topics: language
The essay samples about 'Should countries take steps to protect minority languages?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.
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Question: Should countries take steps to protect minority languages?
Answer 1
As the world becomes more integrated, the need for common means of communication is becoming more pressing. Inevitably, speakers of minority languages have been pressured to speak the languages of more dominant groups locally and globally. Some argue that nothing can or should be done to stop this process. I would suggest that the issue merits more careful consideration.
It is true as the balance of power among groups of people throughout history has shifted, languages have arisen, changed, and died out. Even once widely-spoken languages, such as Latin, have disappeared. To some extent, therefore, this process may be inevitable. However, there are examples of communities that have managed to preserve and even revive languages under threat. Irish and Scots Gaelic, for example, have been preserved by government policy on education and broadcast media.
There are, indeed, several benefits to preserving minority languages. Retaining the language of a community often means that other ...