Essay Example for Student

Essay Title: Is international travel a positive development?

Keywords or Topics: globalization, travel

The essay samples about 'Is international travel a positive development?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.

Besides, more essay questions sharing the same topic are linked to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely. The current essay has two topics: globalization and travel. So, essay questions about them are listed separately.

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Is international travel a positive development?
Answer 1
Nowadays, tourism is the most lucrative and developed industry globally, which offers modern planet dwellers various opportunities to travel and meet other cultures. Although it seems like a positive development at first glance, which benefits society, it is also a hidden danger for the environment and culture.

Proponents of this trend often point to the countless merits associated with mass tourism. Advancements in technology and increased middle-class income made annual vacations and regular business trips affordable for almost all the planet's citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Such unprecedented opportunity was the unavailable dream for the past generation, not to mention that modern tourism creates various job places and, in some countries, only one source of income.

Nevertheless, despite some valuable arguments, affordable tourism often comes at a tremendous environmental and social cost. These options range from air pollution to interethnic conflicts. Many ...
Score: 90%
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Answer 2
Tourism is often touted as an industry that will never shrink in size. In other words, as the world develops, more people can travel. Although many may see this as a positive phenomenon, it is not a trend without drawbacks. This topic's advantages and disadvantages will be analyzed before reaching a reasoned conclusion.

On the one hand, the reduction in travel fares and the increase in global tourism can be seen as a positive event as it promotes intercultural understanding and global harmony. For example, many Middle Eastern states have opened their doors and embraced tourism over the last twenty years, and this has helped shed prejudiced views internationally that all Middle Eastern countries are dangerous. This development clearly shows the benefits of an increasing international tourism industry.

In addition to this, tourism creates new trade opportunities. For example, many Chinese tourists are returning products from foreign countries that are currently unavailable in China ...
Score: 80%
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Answer 3
Today, globalization is changing the world, and traveling has become cheaper than before. As a direct result, tourism industries are increasing in many countries, which has positive and negative aspects; both sides will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, the tourism industry has benefited not just travelers but also many other sectors like hotels, restaurants, travel and tour companies, and so on. For instance, colossal tourism activity around the Sydney Opera House has benefited thousands of local businesses. Moreover, such a trend is very likely to promote employment opportunities. In Nepal, for instance, the tourism industry accounts for a significant portion of total employment. This trend is highly crucial as it enables the country's overall development.

On the other hand, the tourism industry also has some drawbacks. Firstly, growth in tourism means an increase in the number of activities, and more activity means more pollution. To illustrate, piles of ...
Score: 75%
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Answer 4
In the modern world, travelers and people who want to rest in other countries can move between different countries more comfy and freely. However, some people suppose this trend also has its disadvantages.

On the one hand, globalization in the tourism sphere makes our lives easier when we go to another country. Nowadays, one of the most fast-developing industries is tourism. Travel agencies can offer you a lot of different opportunities for your goals. In addition, you can make registrations and payments online using your smartphone or laptop.

Furthermore, there are specific tours for your preferences: exotic outings in wild jungles, a cruise to the North Pole, and even diving with sharks. All your wishes can be realized for your money.

Moreover, people can afford many popular tours—attractive places for relaxing offer cheap all-inclusive programs. Russian people like to visit countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, and Bali. So, travel departments in these countries make ...
Score: 75%
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Answer 5
Technology has made it more comfortable and straightforward for people to travel around the globe. In my opinion, it is a positive development for various reasons.

First of all, this development has proved to be a boon for the tourism industry in most countries. Nowadays, more and more people travel to foreign lands to vacation and enjoy foreign cultures and landscapes. Consequently, tourists contribute to the nation's economy by paying for food, accommodation, and travel. Take the example of the Grand Pyramids of Giza. These beautiful monuments receive more than fourteen million international visitors yearly, contributing more than five percent of the country's GDP.

Secondly, it opens new corridors for people to avail themselves of better opportunities such as study, job, healthcare, or even standard of living. Sometimes, to get a quality education, students enroll in universities abroad. Similarly, to avail themselves of better prospects or raise their standard of living, ...
Score: 70%
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Essay Questions for Topic : globalization
1. Will globalization lead to a total loss of cultural identity?

2. Does globalization have negative sides?

3. Should secondary school children study international news?

4. Should we spend on international aid, regardless of the poor people inside?

5. Should a country produce all the food and import as little as possible?

6. Does globalization produce positive outcomes for everyone?

7. Why do the cultures worldwide become more similar than they used to be?

Essay Questions for Topic : travel
1. Is it the best way to travel in a group with a tour guide?

2. Does international travel benefit travelers and visited countries?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling with families?

4. Is traveling abroad necessary to learn about other countries?

5. Why are some countries expanding their tourist industry? Is it positive?

6. Are organized remote tours positive for local people and the environment?