Essay Example for Student

Essay Title: Is it too late to protect plant and animal species?

Keywords or Topics: ecosystem

The essay samples about 'Is it too late to protect plant and animal species?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.

Besides, more essay questions sharing the topic of ecosystem are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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 Essay questions and examples
Is it too late to protect plant and animal species?
Answer 1
It is undeniable that human beings have adversely impacted the existence of a wide range of flora and fauna. While some individuals believe that they have made drastic changes and that nothing can be done to reverse the current situation, others consider it possible when some potential steps are taken. This essay intends to delve into both sides of the argument in depth and argues that it is never too late.

A vast majority of people claim that changes cannot be reversed in any way. It is simply because they think human activities, such as deforestation, have led to habitat loss of distinct creatures; as a result, they do not have a proper place to live. Even food sources have vanished, which is a significant threat to their survival. For instance, the latest study by the University of Toronto reveals that Polar bears will be wiped out by the end of this century due to food scarcity. Thus, they are of the perspective that there is no hope of reversing back the current circumstances ...
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Essay Questions for Topic : ecosystem
1. The causes and solutions of the loss of biodiversity

2. Are too many resources devoted to protecting wild animals and birds?

3. Why do we need to protect forests from disappearing?

4. Has too much attention been given to wild animal and bird protection?