Essay Example for Student

Essay Title: Can studying history help better understand the present?

Keywords or Topics: history

The essay samples about 'Can studying history help better understand the present?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.

Besides, more essay questions sharing the topic of history are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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Can studying history help better understand the present?
Answer 1
People who do not study history are condemned to repeat it. Some people claim that, but the opponents of the former argue that history does not have a beneficial role in people's lives. It is widely observed that contemporary life and our ancestor's life have complicated relationships and are impossible to divorce.

To embark upon our lifestyle, culture, traditions, conventional wisdom, and so forth stemming from history. History is considered like flowing water. It handed down many invaluable experiences generation by generation. On the face of it, it seems like a story that our grandparents narrate from their ancestors or some books taught at schools mandatorily. Indeed, history can make a significant contribution to our life. It paves our life path. To clarify, lots of prevalent diseases, superstitions, illiteracy, and unsubstantial social memes. Yes, these obstacles have been replaced by the enlightened world these days. For instance, if it was not for L.Pastor's books, how could ...
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Essay Questions for Topic : history
1. Is it necessary to understand the past to face the present and future?

2. Is it more important for children to learn local history than world history?

3. Is visiting museums the best way for children to learn history?