Essay Example for Student

Essay Title: Should charity organizations attend their own countries only?

Keywords or Topics: international aid, social value

The essay samples about 'Should charity organizations attend their own countries only?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.

Besides, more essay questions sharing the same topic are linked to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely. The current essay has two topics: international aid and social value. So, essay questions about them are listed separately.

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 Essay questions and examples
Should charity organizations attend their own countries only?
Answer 1
In line with their vision, humanitarian establishments offer aid to those in need - locally, nationally, and internationally. While some believe such altruistic efforts must be expansive with a global reach, others state that these are confined to domestic boundaries. While scrutinizing the two views in this essay, I side with the former section of society.

Having worldwide coverage for any non-profit institution is significant in different ways. Firstly, humanity is synonymous everywhere, meaning all humankind experiences similar emotions and turmoils. Thus, limiting the scope of benevolent acts is somewhat impertinent. For example, universally, homeless people need food, shelter, medication, and personal care items such as blankets, beds, etc.

Secondly, Save the Children, Doctors Without Borders, and the United States Fund for UNICEF, amongst others, are global charitable trusts operating sans borders. Therefore, confining them to one nation is outright outlandish. ...
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Lexical skills
Essay Questions for Topic : international aid
1. Which is better for developing countries: financial or practical aid?

2. Should rich countries give more types of help rather than financial aid?

3. Should we spend on international aid, regardless of the poor people inside?

Essay Questions for Topic : social value
1. Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society?

2. Which factor is the most important for building a perfect society?

3. Should governments spend money on educating adults who cannot write or read?

4. What is the most important element of a perfect society in the modern world?

5. The disadvantages of adults who can not read or write and how to help them

6. Do the higher living standards outweigh the loss of social values?